
  • Serves 4
  • 30 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 13 Ingredients


An Asian-infused sesame and miso glazed chicken with a fresh, crunchy noodle salad. Yum!

If you’ve ever been to a Japanese restaurant you’ll know how much of a staple miso is! This delicious foodstuff also has plenty of health benefits, according to BBC Good Food. Because it is a fermented foodstuff, miso contains plenty of probiotics – those good bacteria that are beneficial for digestion.

But what is miso?

Miso has been used as early as the 4th century in China by fermenting a mix of soybeans with wheat and alcohol. The earliest recorded written form of ‘miso’ is around 800 AD! As miso gained popularity in ancient Japan and its recipe was refined, it became a staple part of the samurai diet. Nowadays many companies produce miso, often incorporating extra flavours and ingredients to make a more unique version. For me, it’s a winter staple as you can buy miso soup (‘misoshiru’) cubes in lots of stores to which you just add boiling water to create a deliciously savoury and warming soup. You can also add little cubes of tofu, and dried seaweed if you have it. Delish. Of course, you can also use it in a variety of Japanese dishes to give meals that yummy umami flavour, and that’s why it works so well with this glazed chicken and crunchy noodle salad recipe!

Crunchy noodle salad, a summer classic

This recipe for crunchy noodle salad is perfect for summer, especially if you cook the chicken earlier and let it rest for a while until serving time. Just like Caesar salad, it’s still a really filling and enjoyable salad that even the kids will wolf down! Best served cold, this crunchy noodle salad will even keep you cool in summer.

Ingredients (serves 4)

  • 1/2 cup (110g) yellow miso paste
  • 2 cloves garlic, crushed
  • 1 tbsp Chang’s Sesame Oil
  • 800g skinless chicken thigh fillets, cut into 4cm wide strips
  • 1/4 cup vegetable oil
  • 3/4 cup self- raising flour
  • 2 tbsp cornflour
  • 1 bunch mint, leaves picked
  • 1 bunch coriander, leaves picked
  • 2 green onions, thinly sliced
  • 2 packets Chang’s Crunchy Noodles
  • 1/2 cup Chang’s Oriental Salad Dressing


  1. Place miso paste, garlic and sesame oil in a large bowl and mix well to combine. Add chicken and toss to combine. Cover and set aside for 20 minutes.
  2. Add vegetable oil to large frying pan and heat over medium-high heat until hot. Place flours in a large bowl and whisk to combine. Place the marinated chicken into the flour mixture and toss to coat.
  3. Cook the chicken in batches, for 2-3 minutes or until golden and cooked through. Drain on paper towel.
  4. Make crunchy noodle salad by mixing all ingredients together.
  5. Sprinkle with sesame seeds and serve immediately with the fresh and crunchy noodle salad.

What's your favourite salad to make? Let us know in the comments!
  • Sounds like a great summer dinner


  • This looks and sounds really great. The misu concoction sounds much nicer than the one I make with mayonnaise. Thanks so much for sharing.


  • Looks so healthy, def must try!


  • This sounds absolutely lovely


  • I need more dinners like this


  • I’ve never heard of miso before but this recipe sounds very healthy and tasty. My favourite salad is a pasta or green salad.


  • Love miso paste


  • This look so healthy.I love avocado ,feta and rocket salads.


  • I love to eat this salad. My fave salad to make is pumpkin, spinach, feta and pine nuts. I like to add avocado sometimes, chicken etc. to mix it up.


  • Sounds nice, I would replace the chicken with Tempeh

    • However I don’t if my kids would eat this salad, 2 of them would certainly refuse to eat this.


  • Yum, I love stuff with miso.
    My fave salad to make is pesto pasta salad. I love anything with pesto.


  • Sounds super interesting!
    My favourite salad to make is ceaser salad


  • Wow so many veg in it, yummy!


  • Love the flavour combination. Thank you for sharing


  • I have never used Miso paste, but everything it is I’m always tastes amazing


  • I sometimes find a good miso and really like it though never bought the paste this looks really delicous


  • Im making this tommorow fantastic receipe


  • Yes please i would love to try this!


  • I’ve never eaten a crunchy noodle salad. Does it taste good?


  • mmm, nice and simple and delicious sounding


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