
  • Serves 4
  • Makes 4
  • 8 hours
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 20 Ingredients
July 15, 2020


Our family LOVES Mexican food and while plain old nachos and taco’s go down well, this Slow Cooker Tex-Mex Pulled Pork Enchiladas is the bomb! We’re taking melt-in-the-mouth meat, piquant Tex-Mex and lashings of guacamole. Nothing could be better!

Ingredients (serves 4 | makes 4 )

  • 1kg Borrowdale Pork Collar
  • 1 packet gourmet tortilla wraps
  • 1 brown onion
  • 2 carrots
  • 1 tbs paprika
  • 1 tbsp coriander
  • 1 tbsp cumin
  • 1 brown onion
  • 1 corn cob
  • ½ tin black beans
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • 1 tomato
  • Salt & pepper
  • 1 tin chopped tomatoes
  • 100g tomato paste
  • 150g grated cheese (mozzarella)
  • ¼ bunch fresh coriander
  • 2 avocados
  • 1 lime
  • 150g sour cream


  1. Slice one brown onion and one carrot and place on the bottom of a slow cooker. Combine dry spices (paprika, cumin and coriander) and rub over pork collar. Season with salt and place pork in cooker with the lid on for 3–4 hours.
  2. Dice carrot and onion and sauté in a frypan on medium heat. Cut corn kernels off the cob and add. Open the tin of black beans and rinse thoroughly, drain and add to the pan. Crush garlic cloves in a press and add to the pan. Cut tomato and add.
  3. Tear the pork collar into chunks and add to the Tex-Mex filling. Season with salt and pepper, then add some cheese and chopped fresh coriander.
  4. Build enchiladas by taking a tortilla wrap and filling with pork chunks then adding corn and black bean mixture, rolling and placing in a ceramic bakeware dish or baking tray.
  5. Combine tin of chopped tomatoes, tomato paste, salt and pepper in small blender and pulse to puree. Use this mixture to pour over top of enchiladas and add some cheese. Place in a 180°C oven for 5–10 minutes.
  6. While baking prepare the guacamole. Peel and deseed the avocados and add the juice of one lime, season with salt.
  7. Serve together and add sour cream if desired.

  • My daughter loves Mexican. We’ll have to give this recipe a try. Thanks for sharing.


  • Yum! Love Mexican food. I’ll have to try this.


  • Sounds like something my youngest daughter would delight in


  • Yum, this will be delicious


  • It’s cooling down again weather wise, so time to pull out the slow cooker :)


  • Can’t wait to try this although it does have a lot of ingredients that I don’t have and are unavailable in our town


  • Ooh, I’m always loving new recipes for my slow cooker. Can’t wait to try this.


  • I’d love to try this with pulled beef!


  • This looks very tasty, can’t wait to try it.


  • We also love Mexican inspired food, and this looks good, and quite easy to make.


  • Definitely some effort required but I’m sure it would be worth it!


  • Love using my slow cooker. Lots of ingredients but should be easy. Thanks


  • A lot of ingredients but well worth it as we love Mexican food!


  • Thank you for this great Mexican recipe.i love pulled pork. And this sounds delicious.


  • I love Mexican food I’ll have to try.


  • This recipe looks delicious I’m going to have to cook it for my family. Yum.


  • This sounds great! My kids like Mexican too, and this should stretch their palates a little.


  • amazing! My partner loves mexican but always reaches for the unhealthy stuff. This was a hit with him and also able to feed bits and pieces to my 1 year old. Thanks!


  • Love slow cooker meals


  • This looks delicious. Thank you for the meal inspiration. My hubby will love this.


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