
  • Serves 3
  • 10 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 2 Ingredients

They may look like creatures from out of space but Spaghetti Sausage Bites are one of the most requested meals in our house.

Spaghetti sausage bites are actually really easy to make. Only two ingredients – yep, you’ve guessed it – sausages and spaghetti and you have a wholesome meal all in one – packed with protein and some pasta carbs, You can even use wholemeal spaghetti if you want to increase the nutrient value of this meal.

I recommend finding a good quality hot dog sausage. I usually buy frankfurters that have no artificial additives and are low in salt. I try and stay well clear of the ones with flouro-pink skin. They just look bad quality, don’t they!

Thin Spaghetti

I usually use thin spaghetti for my spaghetti sausage bites as the regular spaghetti does take longer to cook and may ruin your sausages. But feel free to experiment with different kids of spaghetti and see what works best for you.

Angel hair spaghetti is even thinner but you may find it breaks too easily and it’s just not worth the frustration.

It takes a bit of practice to thread the spaghetti through the sausages but it’s actually really easy once you get the hang of it.

You can either put a few strands together and thread them through the sausage all at once. Or you can thread through one spaghetti strand at a time at different angles.


Then once you’ve got your spaghetti sausage bites ready to go, you just need to boil them in some salted water for a few minutes and you have tasty edible octopus aliens – aka spaghetti sausage bites – which the kids will love and yum up in minutes.

You can even use black spaghetti and create monster spaghetti sausage bites for Halloween for some spooky treats.

Give these spaghetti sausage bites a go and let us know what you and the kids think.

Ingredients (serves 3)

  • 6 hot dog sausages, cut into 6 even bite sizes pieces
  • About 50 strands of THIN spaghetti


  1. Cut each sausage into 6 even bite-sized pieces.
  2. Carefully thread between 5 to 7 strands of raw spaghetti through each piece of sausage.
  3. Boil a pot of salted water and add the spaghetti sausages to the pot.
  4. Cook until pasta is al dente (about 6 minutes).
  5. Drain water and serve.

To add some extra flavour, you could even add some butter and grated cheese to your spaghetti sausage bites when cooked. But my kids prefer them plain.
  • My kids would love this! Need to give this a try.


  • i can see that kids would seriously love these


  • These look like fun to make and super fun for the kids to eat!


  • A great recipe for the young ones to enjoy!


  • Such a clever idea and it looks great once done!


  • Omg I’ve made this before. My partner laughed at me. Can’t wait until my daughter is old enough to appreciate mums hard work haha


  • Looks amazing thanks for sharing your recipe


  • So easy and kids love them because they are very interesting!


  • Interesting idea, great!


  • Clever idea – thanks for sharing.


  • Not sure it’s high enough in nutrition for me to feed to my kids. I get some kids are really fussy, but this is just too plain and uninviting


  • So interesting would be an interesting dish to try on the kids thanks


  • These look strange, but I’m guessing the kids would like them :)


  • Great recipe and perfect because I just bought a pack of sausages!


  • This is actually a very clear idea.


  • Whatever gets them eating, just no veg in this…


  • This is a good recipe! Thank you, quick simple and I’m sure would be a winner with my son who loves sausages and pasta!! (Doesn’t eat much else)


  • Such a simple and easy recipe can’t believe I never thought of this. My daughter is going to love this thanks for sharing


  • Kids must love this


  • Love the fact that the spag is in the sausage but otherwise this is not something I would make.


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