
  • Serves 4
  • 30 minutes
  • Difficulty Medium
  • 11 Ingredients


My family says that this is far nicer than any special fried rice bought from a Chinese takeaway and much cheaper. I put the leftovers into a takeaway container to heat up and have during the week.

Ingredients (serves 4)

  • 2 cups rice (when cooked about 5-6 cups rice) ( I use Sunwhite low GI / Doongarra)
  • 3 eggs
  • 3 tabs olive oil
  • 1 onion, chopped
  • 2 teaspoons grated garlic
  • 1 teaspoon grated ginger
  • 1/2 teaspoon five spice powder
  • 1 cup peas and corn, frozen
  • 1 small tin prawns
  • 500 grams beef ( I used Korean beef) or chicken or pork etc cut into pieces
  • 4 rashers short cut bacon cut into pieces


  1. Place 2 cups of rice in saucepan. Add 3 cups of water. Stir, just bring to the boil, turn heat down to lowest setting 1. Cover with lid and cook 15 minutes. Turn off heat and leave to sit on hotplate for 5 minutes. Allow to cool.
  2. Lightly beat 3 eggs together, cook in saucepan till set, cut into pieces.
  3. In a large frypan, heat up oil on medium heat. Then add grated garlic, grated onion, 5 spice powder and onion and cook until onion is lightly cooked and soft.
  4. Then add rice, cooked egg, peas, corn, prawns, bacon pieces, stir and mix all together. Add meat of choice, stir and cook all together. Serve hot.


I use low GI rice which is gluten free and suitable for diabetics. Any rice can be used, cook to directions on packet. Any meat can be used in the recipe or omitted if preferred.

  • This would go down a treat in my house


  • Mine has all this except prawns and I use chicken instead of beef. It’s yum


  • Would like to try this with just bacon as I love it and fried rice also thanks for sharing


  • Thanks for the recipe. Will be trying it.


  • I do like the look of your special fried rice – the Korean beef looks good.


  • Looks incredibly flavoursome, thank you for sharing.


  • I was just in Thailand where the fried rice was so delicious. Much better than my version! I’m up for trying a different version though. I’ve never considered beef in my fried rice, but willing to try. It makes it a full meal.


  • I use brown rice which has a subtle nutty flavour. I also add two tablespoons of soy sauce to bring the flavours together at the end.

    • I meant two teaspoons of soy sauce.


  • This sounds wonderful and so quick to make. This sounds like a Saturday night special. Can’t wait to give it a try


  • This sounds wonderful


  • Most of my kids love fried rice ! I like to make it vegetarian with tempeh and scrambled egg.


  • Alot of great ingredients that l like in my fried rice,thank-you!


  • I’ve never thought of putting beef in my fried rice, this is on my “to try” list! THanks for sharing


  • The seasoning used in your fried rice sounds sensational.


  • i have written this recipe down to try it


  • this looks so delicious! thanks for posting


  • looks super yummy, packed full of great ingredient


  • We love fried rice, but I have real problems when I cook it. It’s nearly always gluggy and sticks together. And I’ve tried so many different methods of cooking it, and nothing works for me. I may have to drop hints that I’d like a rice cooker for Christmas.


  • I love fried rice, thanks for sharing


  • Yum. I adore fried rice.


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