
  • Makes 12
  • 45 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 5 Ingredients


An original Yoyo recipe turned rainbow FUN! We love how these look on the table at parties, adding a little pop of colour! Absolutely beautiful in look at taste!

Ingredients (makes 12 Cookies)

  • 250g Soft butter
  • 230g Plain flour (sifted)
  • 100g Custard Powder
  • 1 Cup Vanilla Icing
  • 1/3 cup Rainbow Sprinkles - Plus extra for decorating


  1. Preheat a fan fourced oven to 160 degrees. Whisk butter until light and fluffy. Gradually add in sifted flour until well incorporated.
  2. Add in Custard Powder and mix until well combined. Add in the sprinkles and mix until spread evenly throughout the mix.
  3. Roll into small balls and place 3cm apart on a lined baking tray. Gently press with a fork to create the iconic lined shape, while flattening the cookie.
  4. Bake for 15 or 20 minutes or until lightly browned.
  5. Using a small dollop of vanilla icing in the Center of the cookie, and sandwich two together.
  6. Fill a small contain or cup with the remaining sprinkles and gently turn to cookie to cover all the showing icing in sprinkles.
  7. Enjoy!

  • Such an easy to follow recipe. Thanks for sharing.


  • I use to make these as a kid, this brings back memories


  • Could make these with red and green sprinkles for Christmas


  • These look fun! Great for a kids party.


  • These look super cute !


  • I’m going to make these for my next morning tea with the aged residents at our local hospital


  • The children would love this to eat when they came home from school. Thanks so much for sharing.


  • I love a yo yo. I’m not a fan of messing with the original and sprinkles on yo yos just don’t do it for me.


  • These look delicious and so easy to make!


  • What a charming treat, how tasty.


  • Oh yum they looks so delicious and such a easy recipe love the sprinkles in them


  • A great recipe for a birthday party!


  • We love Yoyos and the idea of using spinkles is great – especially for parties!


  • Easy to make, but looks so good: thank you.


  • Looks like something the kids would love to make and ice. It’s so simple too


  • seem fairly simple to make and they sound like they would taste yum.


  • Oh I love these biscuits and havnt made them for ages, this has just inspired me to bake them again


  • Yoyos are the best. Kids would love this for a birthday party.


  • Yum! I love Yo-Yo biscuits


  • This looks absolutely delicious. will have to try with the kids. What a fun idea


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