
  • Serves 1
  • 35 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 7 Ingredients

12 Comment

Stuffed Italian Artichokes is an Italian delicacy

Ingredients (serves 1)

  • 1 cup Bread crumbs
  • Half cup Grated Parmesan cheese
  • Handful Parsley
  • Handful Green leaf garlic
  • 1 Artichoke
  • 1/2 teaspoon Salt
  • 1 spoon Olive oil


  1. Clean artichoke with warm water and cut long stem. Then Coarsley chop parsley and green garlic
  2. Grate Parmesan cheese on the thicker side not the thin and mix breadcrumbs and salt together in a bowl with parsley and garlic
  3. Place a tiny spoonful of mixture in each leaf until completely full. Then place in a pot with 2 cm of water and drizzle artichoke with olive oil . Make sure to place on low heat and cook slowly with a lid as the steam will cook the artichoke and stuffing slowly if water is low then add more water

  • Sounds great. I sometimes find the leaves of artichokes to be tough and stringy, but I love the flavour and it’s supposed to be high in iron.


  • I’ve never eaten artichoke before but they look so good in the picture. Te ingredients list is interesting too


  • Interesting though I don’t eat artichokes but thankyou


  • Interesting and unique recipe idea; thanks for sharing.


  • I have never had artichoke. This recipe looks a bit fiddley but could be yum


  • I’ve always wondered how they made these. Thanks for sharing.


  • Oh! I used to make (and love) stuffed artichokes. It’s just a pity I find artichokes so expensive!


  • Have seen these in the shops but never knew how to cook them or what they taste like. Willing to give them a go.


  • I have never tried one – ever – can anyone tell me what they actually taste like? _ i’m a bit wimpy when it comes to trying new food!

    • Artichokes can be sweet but not overly sweet it all depends on how they are cooked. at times, I am just trying to think what they taste like well they are smooth when you bite off the inner part of each leaf but with my recipe they are yummy but I think its an acquired taste, I love artichokes so much


  • Stuffed artichokes sound quite tasty – many thanks for the recipe.


  • Your stuffed artichokes sound delicious,thanks!


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