
  • Serves 4
  • Makes 4
  • 60 minutes
  • Difficulty Medium
  • 19 Ingredients
February 24, 2020


Thai Salad with Lemongrass Chicken Patties and Mango sound good?

We couldn’t agree more and just looking at this Thai Salad with Pickled Lemongrass Mango has us salivating.  There’s really nothing better than salty, sour Asian flavours complemented by the sweetness and softness of a ripe Mango!

We love that this Thai Salad recipe is quite easy – throw all the ingredients for the Thai Chicken patties into the food processor, whizz them up and then cook.

Meanwhile make up the Thai Salad and dressing.  Throw together at the last moment and dinner is served!

So which mangoes are best in a Thai Salad?

Mangoes are an icon, they’re full of emotion, wrapped in ritual and tied with memories. They are quick and easy to prepare, bursting with nutritional value and there are a range of varieties to be enjoyed all season long.

For this Thai Salad, we recommend a mango with a consistently firm flesh.  We think Calypso Mangoes are the pick of the crop.

Calypso Mangoes have a small seed with firm flesh and no stringy bits.  they have a yellowy orange skin with a deep pink blush and the flesh is a yellow orange. They will grow to a medium size and you’ll know when they are ripening when they are slightly soft to the touch.

How to choose a Mango?

The best way to buy a mango is to simply use your nose.  A ripe fresh mango should have a fragrant tropical aroma that varies in intensity from very subtle to strong depending on the variety.  A ripe mango will be firm and give slightly to the touch so avoid mangoes that are hard, very soft or bruised. Also avoid mangoes that are wrinkled or shrivelled as they will be overripe with an unpleasant fermented flavour.

Is this the best Thai Salad you’ve tried?

There are so many recipes for a Thai Salad out there, it’s sometimes hard to choose.  If you have tried this recipe and loved it, hit the LOVE button at the top of this recipe. Or let us know in the comments below.

Ingredients (serves 4 | makes 4 )

  • To Make the Salad:
  • 2 large Mangoes
  • 1 small red onion, thinly sliced
  • 1 cup rice wine vinegar
  • 1/2 cup caster sugar
  • 1/4 cup water
  • 2 sticks lemongrass, thinly slices (see tip)
  • 1 tbs fish sauce
  • Cooked rice noodles & herbs (Thai basil, mint & coriander), to serve
  • To Make the Chicken patties:
  • 650g chicken breast fillets, roughly chopped
  • 4 tbs red curry paste
  • 1 tbs fish sauce
  • 1 egg white
  • 2 tbs corn flour
  • 1/3 cup shredded coconut
  • 60g green beans, trimmed, thinly sliced into rounds
  • 1 cup coriander leaves, chopped
  • 2 tbs olive oil


  1. Cut the cheeks from the mango stone. Carefully scoop out the flesh. Thinly slice. Place into a bowl with the onion. Combine the vinegar, sugar, water and lemongrass in a saucepan over medium heat. Stir until the sugar dissolves. Bring to the boil, boil for 1 minute. Remove from heat, stir in the fish sauce. Cool for 5 minutes then pour over the mango and onion. Cover and refrigerate until ready to serve.
  2. Place chicken into a food processor. Pulse to roughly chop. Add the curry paste, fish sauce, egg white, corn flour and coconut. Pulse until just combined. Transfer to a bowl. Stir in the beans and coriander. Shape mixture into patties using damp hands Place onto a tray. Cover and refrigerate 30 minutes if time allows.
  3. Preheat barbecue plate on medium. Drizzle both sides of the chicken patties with oil. Barbecue for 3 minutes each side or until golden and cooked through.
  4. Serve chicken patties with pickled mango, noodles and herbs


Tip: You can replace the chicken with 650g skinless, pin boned salmon to make Thai Salmon Cakes. Equally delicious with the lemongrass Mango Salad!

  • This looks absolutely beautiful- I love mango in salad!


  • This looks so healthy and fresh! I can’t wait to try this one!


  • This sounds delicious and the colours of the salad really draw you in.


  • This sounds incredibly flavoursome and colourful..


  • These ingredients look like they’re meant to be together. I love to try new salads over summer.


  • Love mangoes and chicken. These two ingredients in a salad are perfect. Will definitely give this recipe a go.


  • I LOVE mango in salads, especially with roast pine nuts !


  • I’m always looking for new summer recipes and this looks amazing.


  • I’ll be making this salad very often. It sounds so wonderful and is quick and easy to make. The chicken patties can easily be frozen in portions so that dinner for one is easy.
    Thanks so much for sharing this recipe.


  • Mango in a salad is delish!!


  • This sounds delicious. Thanks for the recipe.


  • I love the sound of this meal. What amazing flavours together :)


  • Sounds like a lovely light meal.


  • What a great summer meal idea. I love adding fruit to salads, I’ve tried strawberries, peaches and watermelon in salads, and only ever green mango.


  • I’ve never tried a salad with mangoes! Will definitely give this a go


  • I really love mangoes but I always forget to consider using them in salads.


  • Love mangoes and salad and this looks fantastic.


  • looks really good


  • Thanks for your tips on mangos and love this beautiful recipe!


  • Perfect salad recipe for summer.


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