
  • Serves 22
  • Makes 22
  • 20 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 4 Ingredients

90 Comment

Delicious morsels of tim tammy goodness.

Ingredients (serves 22 | makes 22 balls)

  • 1 packet Original Tim Tams
  • 250g cream cheese
  • 375g Cooking chocolate
  • 3/4 cup Desiccated coconut (Optional)


  1. Place Tim Tams and cream cheese in a food processor. Process until you get a cakey, crumb like consistency.
  2. Roll the "dough" into desired size balls. Melt the chocolate.
  3. Roll the balls in the melted chocolate and then roll in the coconut if desired. Place on a lined tray and refrigerate for at least 3 hours or until set..


You could use the funky flavoured tim tams for a different flavour. Add chocolate sprinkles or 100s and thousands for a different look!

  • Yummmmmm love Tim Tam’s and love making all sorts of bite sized balls. The best thing about this recipe is that there are do many different flavours of Tim Tam’s so you have do many different flavours of balls all in one recipe. In reality you could probably use any type of chocolate biscuit…


  • So simple but im sure super tasty.


  • I have never tried this recipe it’s like the classic rum balls but made with the tim tam bikkies thanks for sharing


  • These Tim Tam balls are such a crowd pleaser.


  • I am wondering on the ‘sweetness’ of these. So does the balance of biscuit/cream cheese balance? Guess I’ll be making these to find out. Thanks for the recipe.


  • Oh yum, Tim Tams are my favourite chocolate biscuits. Not sure I could crush them up to make these tho, they’re delish enough


  • They look nice but they wouldn’t be my choice to make or eat. Wouldn’t feed this to my kids either.


  • I’m sure anyone who loves Tim Tams would love it. I’m not one of those people though. An easy looking recipe.


  • Yum yum yum! Nothing more to be said!


  • Sooo Aussie ..great recipe for Australia Day.


  • These will definitely be hard to resist.


  • These were brought out Christmas Day and I didn’t get to taste one. Not one!

    • Tim Tams and any food made with Tim Tams go like hot cakes!


  • What a great way to use up Tim Tams – especially the ones your kids didn’t wrap up tightly or put into an airtight container after opening.


  • who’da thought Tim Tams could get any better – YUM


  • Such a simple yet delicious recipe. My son loves these… treat of choice when taking something to school to share for his birthday.


  • These look delicious! Thanks for sharing!


  • My mouth is watering! Thanks for sharing your wonderful recipe!!


  • Yum! I made these with Salted Caramel Tim Tams and they were delicious! Thanks for sharing this recipe.


  • Naughty but nice! My waistline won’t be happy with me, but I don’t care! Can’t wait to try 😀


  • These sound so naughty, but so delicious. I just have to try them.


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