
  • Serves 6
  • 30 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 15 Ingredients


This is a combination I came up with after going to a friends party where they served mini beef burgers.

Ingredients (serves 6)

  • 500 grams Minced Turkey
  • 250 grams Minced Chicken Breast
  • 1/3 cup Minced Parsley
  • 1/2 teaspoon Ground Cumin
  • 1/2 teaspoon Paprika
  • 2 cloves Minced Garlic
  • 2 Minced Shallots
  • 1 Egg Yolk
  • Olive Oil
  • Salt and Pepper
  • 12 Mini Burger Buns
  • 12 Slices of Tomato
  • 12 Slices of Avocado
  • 1 cup Brussels Sprouts
  • Mayonnaise, Mustard or Ketchup


  1. Mix together the turkey and chicken, parsley, cumin, paprika, garlic, shallots and egg yolk in a large bowl. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and mix. Divide the mixture into 12 equal portions and, using your hands, shape into 12 small burgers about 3 1/2 inches wide.
  2. Heat the oil in a pan and cook the burgers until a thermometer inserted into the center registers 165 degrees F, about 3 minutes per side.
  3. Serve the burgers on the mini buns with the tomato, avocado and brussels sprouts. Garnish with mayonnaise, mustard and ketchup.

  • These look super delicious and simple thanks


  • Really great party recipe


  • Sliders are the most yunmiest versions of burgers!


  • Love them. Thanks for the recipe.


  • Love the recipe. Thanks for sharing


  • How cute. I reckon they’d go down a treat with dad. Thanks for the inspiration :)


  • I’ve never used brussels sprouts in burgers before!


  • What a fab recipe, I love sliders they taste so good!


  • Mini sliders always present nice.


  • These look tasty and cute. Maybe want to check your recipe as your picture does not match the recipe or method.


  • You state the use of brussels sprouts but have you not used alfa sprouts.? I’m a slight bit confused.


  • THese look so cute and delicious to eat


  • these look so tasty! where do you get your mini burger buns from?


  • These look amazing! Sliders always go down so well – will definitely try your recipe – thank you!


  • A great treat for a party,love it!


  • oh I love how cute sliders look, so tiny yet so tasty!

    your recipe sounds perfect, cannot wait to make these for my family one day


  • Simply yummy looking sliders – I do love to eat a tasty little slider. Thanks for your recipe – the sliders in your photo looks so tasty.

    • Good food for parties – good for children and adults.


  • Delicious we had similar ones for our girls High Tea


  • They are adorable. What a great idea for a party!!


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