
  • Serves 4
  • Makes 4
  • 60 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 6 Ingredients


Tastes delicious with the Inghams Turkey mince. The children love the taste also.

Ingredients (serves 4 | makes 4 )

  • 4 Boiled Eggs
  • 500g Inghams Turkey mince
  • 1 Chopped Onion, Parsley, Salt,Pepper. Baby spinach leaves.
  • 2 tablespoons Plain Flour
  • 1 Beaten Egg
  • 2 tablespoons Cooking oil (Grapeseed oil)


  1. Boil 4 eggs, put aside. Peel when cooled. Mix herb, spices, salt, pepper with the Inghams Turkey mince.
  2. Divide Turkey mince into 4, place baby spinach leaves and boiled egg inside. Cover all over with the Turkey mince. Dip in seasoned flour, seasoned beaten egg, breadcrumbs. Place in fridge for a few hours.
  3. Heat oil, brown the balls until golden. Place in oven 180 deg for 30 minutes. serve with salad.

  • Sounds interesting though have never tried but would like to thanks


  • My mum used to cook these when I was a kid. We had backyard fucks so she used those eggs. Cooked properly, they should have a funny yolk, according to Manufacturer’s and co


  • Great for taking on picnics or to put in luinch boxes.


  • What a fantastic alternative, be perfect for xmas time


  • Never thought of using Turkey mince for this. Be an interesting change and a great work lunch idea.


  • Scotched eggs are such a firm family favourite for picnics – will definitely try this Turkey alternative!


  • They look beautiful. And what a nice presentation you made with the picture!!


  • Looks great


  • i’ve never had these before – they look so yummy and I imagine they would taste lovely with a nice homemade relish – really need to put this on my list of things to try – thank you for sharing your recipe

    • I do like your your relish suggestion – Scotch Eggs in the picnic hamper along with the relish = perfect!


  • Your scotched eggs look so good,thanks!


  • I like the look of your Scotch Eggs with a turkey twist. Top marks for the effort with the presentation – looks terrific.


  • Yum this is a new and different


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