
  • Makes 4
  • 20 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 7 Ingredients


Make your very own vegetable stock in the Philips All-In-One Cooker.

Ingredients (makes 4 cups)

  • 2 onions, peeled and halved
  • 2 carrots, cut into chunks
  • 3 celery stalks, cut in half
  • 1 bulb garlic, broken into cloves and peeled
  • 10 peppercorns
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 5 cups water


  1. Combine all the ingredients in the All-in-One Cooker inner pot.
  2. Seal lid, check that the valve is on SEAL.
  3. Select PRESSURE COOK, then go to 'MANUAL' and set the pressure cooking time to 10 minutes. Press START.
  4. Turn the pressure regulator to VENT, open the lid and strain the stock.

  • I love making my own stocks – so much flavour.


  • Yummy! and its so easy to make and also versatile – change depending on what vege you have!


  • Ive always wanted to make my own stock


  • Really need to get my “all in one” out of its box and try this.


  • Really great use for a pressure cooker – never had one myself, but remember mum having one when we lived in the country. Now with the electronic ones and all the great pressure cooker recipes, I think the time to invest in one is near!

    • Pressure cookers have certainly changed over time. I am much more comfortable with modern pressure cookers.


  • So versatile, so many uses


  • this is great! making your own stock is a fab idea! i bet it tastes excellent as well


  • I love making my own stock, it usually ends up as home made soup, which is just the best. I particularly love home made chicken soup from home made stock. So Delish so healthy, great for when you’re feeling under the weather.


  • always wanted this recipe


  • Basically my chicken stock recipe without the chicken and I add lots of garlic and ginger fir health benefits


  • good to have a basic stock recipe


  • I love veggie stock…… thank you for sharing


  • Been making this for years now, no stock could ever beat it :)


  • Yummy! Have never made any stock before but tempted to after seeing this recipe. Thanks for sharing!

    • You’re welcome. It’s really easy and rewarding too!


  • Excellent! I want to try this instead of getting the shop stuff! Would be much nicer I am sure

    • Yes! You could even make more and then store it in the freezer, maybe in “one cup” portions.


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