
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 8 Ingredients

220 Comment

My kids love these and I have to say I really enjoy them too.  You can make them large for burgers or smaller for toddler and mash them up for baby.  You can double this recipe no problem and they’re good for lunchboxes. Only a few easy ingredients so get the kids to help you make them. Here is the Weetbix, tuna and vegetable patties recipe…


  • 5 Weet-Bix (or 2 ½cups of flakes from the bottom)
  • 1 425g tin Tuna – I use the one in spring water
  • 2 Eggs
  • 1 teaspoon crushed Garlic – the jar one is fine
  • 1 Cup Vegies - I always use the Peas, Corn and Carrot Frozen Vegetables
  • 1 Cup Grated Tasty Cheese
  • Salt and Pepper for seasoning. You can also use little herbs if you want.  Sometimes we add Chives or Parsley – whatever is good in the garden.
  • Oil spray or Oil to cook with


  1. In a large bowl put the Tuna, Grated Cheese, Vegetables and Garlic mix them together.
  2. Add 1 Egg and crush in 1 Weet-Bix. Add your seasoning to taste.
  3. Stir it up well and then leave for a few minutes whilst you prepare the coating.
  4. (Leaving it to rest helps the Weet-Bix go all soggy and hold it all together when you ball them up into patties.)
  5. In one bowl whisk up your other Egg and then in another bowl crush up 2 Weet-Bix.
  6. Roll up all your patties. Dip them one at a time in the whisked Egg and then into the crushed Weet-Bix coating. When your Weet-Bix crumbs have gone in the bowl crush up the last 2 for coating this stops them going a bit soggy from the egg mixture.
  7. Coat them all first before you cook.
  8. Cook them in a fry pan in batches so you’re not overcrowding.   I use cooking spray to cook with you can use oil but just use about a table spoon per batch  as the Weet-Bix just soaks it all up and you don’t want oily patties just crunchy.
  9. Moderate heat. Not too hot or you’ll burn the flakes just enough so they are Crunchy on the outside and warm cheesey on the inside. ENJOY!

  • Looks really yummy this patties 🙂


  • sounds interesting! Im not a tuna eater but might try this one on the kids!


  • Interesting recipe – thanks for sharing


  • mmm yum – thanks for sharing


  • Weetbix are the answer instead of using bread crumbs and healthier too. Great recipe.


  • Thank you for sharing 🙂 🙂


  • Great idea if I run out of breadcrumbs to improve with Weetbix. Thanks for the idea.


  • I endedup giving these a go and to be honest they were not a hit in our family with the weetbix in.You could still taste the weetbix flavour.I made them again as per normal using breadcrumbs and they all got eaten.These may be lovely for other families so please dont be put off by my comment as your children may love them we all know everyone has different tastes.


  • These look good might give it a go


  • Thanks I never would have though of using weetbix instead of bread crumbs


  • I never realised that weetbix were so versatile!


  • Different! And they sound so good 🙂


  • Perfect combination looks yummy – thank you.


  • This sounds interesting, has anyone given it a go? What did you think?


  • Hmmm – not sure if I would like this particular combination.


  • This sounds interesting and different. I will try make this to give it a go


  • This is also really good with grated carrot, zucchini, finely diced capsicum and corn.


  • I’ve tried this and the patties smelled of burnt weet bix – it is bitter. I tried with a lower fire but still the same results. Anyone has any tips?


  • Kids don’t like tuna so I could see if they notice it if combined with other ingredients , worth a try


  • Wow these sound tasty and with weet bixs


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