
  • Serves 4
  • 20 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 7 Ingredients


A lovely take on pumpkin soup – sweet and fresh.

Ingredients (serves 4)

  • 1 large butternut pumpkin
  • 1 small red onion, sliced finely
  • 2 tablespoons maple syrup
  • 1 and 3/4 cup chicken stock
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon cumin
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon


  1. Cook the red onion in olive oil until translucent. Add the cumin and cinnamon and cook for a further 2 mins.
  2. Meanwhile, cook the butternut pumpkin until soft and then mash it.
  3. Add it to the onion mixture and add chicken stock and maple syrup.
  4. Simmer for 5 mins, then remove from heat and serve.

  • Pumpkin soup is coming up. A winter classic.


  • Oh a sweeter soup. Sounds yum


  • I’ve never heard of adding maple syrup and cinnamon- would be very sweet!


  • I’ve never thought to add maple syrup to pumpkin soup – it doesn’t look very orange in color though…


  • Nothing better then a thick, hit pumpkin soup on a cold winters day, with chunky buttered bread


  • A great recipe for those colder nights!


  • Never tried maple syrup. Might have to give it ago next time


  • I love pumpkin soup although Im not to sure about the maple syrup and I dont like cinnamon


  • There’s nothing better in winter than soup


  • Pumpkin soup is our go to soup, I often add cumin but like the sound of the addition of maple syrup & cinnamon-another one to try before the cold weather disappears.


  • An interesting Winter pumpkin soup recipe; great and I look forward to creating this dish at home for everyone to enjoy!.


  • Very different to what I’m used to cooking, might give it a shot. :)


  • A lovely combination of flavours go into this pumpkin soup, I will have a go making this one. Thanks!


  • I would have never guessed it was a pumpkin soup, looking at the picture. Probably effect of the onions, maple syrup, cinnamon and cumin, isn’t it?
    I love pumpkin soups. I should try your variation! Thanks!!


  • I love pumpkin soup- especially with a hunk of crusty bread :)


  • Pumpkin soup is a favourite in Winter,will be interesting to try with the maple syrup! Thanks.


  • Hmmm must try this for the hubby


  • Maple syrup in pumpkin soup! Now this is worth trying out on the tastebuds – thanks.

    • It truly is delicious – the maple syrup adds another dimension to this soup.


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