
  • Serves 8
  • 4 hours
  • Difficulty Medium
  • 13 Ingredients


Winter warming chilli to fill you up

Ingredients (serves 8)

  • 1kg minced beef
  • 1 onion diced
  • 5 tsp crushed garlic (in the jar)
  • 1tbsp dried cumin
  • 1 tbsp dried oregano
  • 2 tbsp dried chilli flakes
  • 1 red capsicum, cut into slices
  • 1 green capsicum, cut into slices
  • 6 large tomatoes chopped or equivalent in tinned tomatoes
  • 400g Tin red kidney beans, rinsed twice and drained
  • 1L beef stock
  • 2tbsp dark brown sugar
  • s & p to taste


  1. Saute mince, onion and garlic in a large, heavy-based pot over medium-high heat. Add cumin, oregano, chilli powder, salt, pepper, tomatoes and beef stock. Reduce heat to low, place on lid and simmer for approximately four hours, stirring occasionally. If you have a slow cooker, you can pour in the mixture and cook for eight hours.
  2. 30 minutes from the end of cooking (or one hour if using a slow cooker) add the sugar and kidney beans. Taste and season accordingly with salt and pepper
  3. Serve on a bed of steamed rice, garnished with sour cream, cheese and chopped spring onions. Can also serve with crusty bread

  • Doesn’t get better than this on a cold day. Could serve with some flat bread or corn chips!


  • Yum, love a good hearty chilli


  • Yum! This sounds great- serve with a flatbread :)


  • I love a good chilli. My friend makes an awesome one but I have never given it a go myself.


  • I’m pinching this one. A lot of chilli.con carne recipes end up so watery, this looks thick and rich


  • We love a good Chilli!


  • I love chilli and your recipe l can’t wait to try! Thanks!


  • Yum! this recipe looks super tasty. My family will definitely enjoy this.


  • This is a hearty dish, I usually serve with basmati rice. Yum! Thanks for sharing.


  • Certainly does look perfect for winter. You could use this so many ways.


  • Oh, chilli is great for winter! Thabks


  • Why do the kidney beans have to be washed? Are they in a brine solution used as a preservative? Definitely “hot”. I don’t think you would want to eat it in the warm weather.


  • I love how bright red this looks!


  • Sounds wonderful


  • So easy in the slow cooker !


  • Parts of this recipe are my spag bol sauce, so I could definitely rejig this for something different.


  • We love chilli’s ! Bit I make them vegetarian with more beans / lentils. Yum !


  • Thank you so much, this looks lovely.


  • Love chilli recipes – thanks for sharing.


  • A fantastic chilli recipe,will add sour cream and nachos! Thanks it’s a winner!


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