
  • Serves 12
  • 45 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 10 Ingredients


A quick and simple dish if you have excess amount of Zucchinis.

Ingredients (serves 12)

  • 1 kg Beef Mince
  • 2 Onions - diced finely
  • 2 Cups Beef stock
  • 2-3 Medium carrots - diced
  • 1 Tin Corn
  • 500g Mushrooms
  • 1 Tbles Mixed herbs and minced garlic
  • 2-3 Medium Zucchinis sliced 1cm think
  • White Sauce
  • 1/2 cup Grated cheese


  1. Cook Mince and add herbs and garlis
  2. Add onion, carrots, corn and Beef Stock.
  3. Add mushrooms. Let simmer to flavour.
  4. Make white sauce.
  5. Layer Zucchini and mince and top with white sauce. Add grated cheese.
  6. Cook in oven 180 degrees for 20 mins


Can add any extra vegies to dish. Great way to sneak vegies in for kids. Can layer white sauce throughout Lasagne.

  • Id remove the corn. Oddly my guy doesnt like corn…..how weird is that?


  • This sounds like a delicious, healthy way to make lasagne. Yum!


  • That looks like a good healthy recipe.


  • Yummm I love to substitute pasta with zucchini


  • Nice variation on the normal lasagne but too much for us. Will keep this in mind when I need to supply a dish for an evening out


  • Great veggie hiding hack


  • I always great veggies so kids hard to see them.


  • I always put extra vegies including zucchini in my lasagne sauce. I’ve tried a few different lasagne options only to be told by hubby and son to stick with the original!! They’re not as adventurous as me.


  • Very nice idea to put extra vegetables in the dish.


  • I love sneaky ways to add veggies in, and zucchini as a pasta substitute is a fave. I’ve only ever done it with soirelizdd zucchini’s before, keen to give it a go in lasagne


  • Great Veg recipe


  • Loving this recipe as I can’t get enough zucchini recipes, when I grow them it’s always a challenge to find ways to use them.


  • So, I used this recipe, but rather than zucchini slices, used normal pasta and grated the zucchini in. Still was a beautiful dish. Thanks heaps for sharing it. :)


  • Thanks, look forward to making and adding extra veg.


  • Yes this is a great idea to use up some zucchinis thanks!!


  • oh what a great idea – never thought of this – thanks for sharing your recipe


  • Thank you – I do have an excess of zucchinis and this recipe is much wanted and much needed – thank you – excited by your recipe! :)


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