
  • Serves 8
  • Makes 6-10
  • 50 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 9 Ingredients


Quick and easy throw together dinner. Great for toddlers and work lunches.

Ingredients (serves 8 | makes 6-10 Slices)

  • 2 Zucchini
  • 1 Carrot
  • 1/2 Red capsicum
  • 1 Brown onion
  • 5 Eggs
  • 1/4 cup Milk
  • 1 1/4 cup Shredded cheese
  • 4 Rashers short cut bacon
  • 1 cup Self raising flour


  1. Dice bacon and onion, add oil to pan and cook. Once cooked put aside to cool
  2. Grate zucchini and carrot, salt and let sit for 10 minutes
  3. Lightly whisk eggs and add milk
  4. Put cooked onion, bacon, capsicum, s/r flour and cheese into a bowl.
  5. Squeeze excess water out of zucchini and carrots using your hands and add to bowl.
  6. Add egg/milk mixture. Stir just to combine all ingredients
  7. Put in baking dish and put in oven for 35-40 minutes or until cooked and golden brown
  8. Sprinkle of cheese on top is optional

  • At point 4 of the method you mention s/r flour whilst it’s not in the ingredients list. How much s/r flour ??

    • Oh sorry I overlooked the self raining flour ! I see it’s 1 cup :)


  • These slices always look so wonderfully moist


  • Such a yummy healthy breakfast. I love zucchini slice.


  • Thank you for sharing. That sounds yummy


  • I love this recipe for a zucchini slice. Just wish I could find my recipe for a zucchini cake made in the microwave. I used to make it for my boys when they were young.


  • This is a staple in our house — but sometimes it’s just a veggie slice. It depends what I have on hand in terms of what I add. We’re actually having zucchini slice and salad for dinner tonight.


  • yum – love a good zucchini slice. haven’t tried it yet with carrots or capsicum


  • This sounds like a nice recipe. I haven’t made one in a while, maybe time to try this one :)


  • Never been a huge lover of these- they need a lot of seasoning or can be bland.

    • Yes I agree, more seasoning is needed. I would also add garlic :)


  • I wish I had this recipe last year. We had way too many zucchinis in our garden that a lot of them went to waste, unfortunately.


  • I love making Zucchini slice with the kids, but I dont like putting that many eggs in it – I feel 5 eggs are a bit excessive. I prefer around 3 eggs.


  • This looks amazing! I will omit egg and bacon as I am lacto vegetarian. Will definitely try this.


  • Yum!! I make pretty much the same without capsicum definitely have to try it with it thanks for sharing


  • I love making zuchinni slice all my children enjoy eating it and always want second servings of this healthy zuchinni slice. It’s easy to make, doesn’t take too long and the ingredients are healthy which is great when feeding your growing children who sometimes have huge appetites.


  • My mother used to make this zucchini slice and I use to eat so much of it and you really cant taste that zucchini in it


  • My mother in law introduced me to this. So versatile, great hot or cold on its own as a main or a side


  • Love zucchini slice, great for nanny daycare as 18month old loves it. Hubby does too but he likes without bacon and i like it with so I make them in the large muffin tins pan so we each get what we like and it’s a good portion control and easy for lunches as well.

    • I like your idea of making in portion control sizes – the muffin tins would work really well. I am going to try it this way. I have some ham I need to use up so might do this instead of bacon.


  • I often make zucchini slice. similar recipe. Might try with bacon. Thanks


  • A great recipe for lunch or dinner with a side salad!


  • Definitely a good one to make for midweek dinners or work lunches!


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