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The Lose Baby Weight 28 Day Diet & Exercise Plan :
3.96 out of 5 based on 52 reviews.

As Mums we usually tend to worry about ourselves last! Suddenly we look down and realise that we haven’t quite lost that baby weight we had intended on losing…

Introducing Lose Baby Weight!

Lose Baby Weight is a health and weight loss program designed exclusively for mums. The weight loss plans offer safe and healthy programs that are breastfeeding safe and include The Healthy Mummy nutritional products, The 28 Day Diet & Exercise Plan and the free website tools which have a selection of resources to assist in living a healthy life – including over 500 recipes, a weight loss tracking members area, exercise plans and videos.

The plans have helped mums lose over 100,000kg and regain their body confidence post having children. The plans help to support and motivate mums and give daily support, offers and advice with the focus being on safe and sensible weight loss when a mum feels 100% physically and emotionally ready to lose weight. Lose Baby Weight also has an active Facebook page with over 26,000 mums on with daily tips, recipes and motivation posted each day. The plans range from $28 to $176 and you can see a full list of the plans here.

Find out more about Lose Baby Weight at www.losebabyweight.com.au, check out the 28 Day Diet & Exercise Plan and discover The Healthy Mummy Range of products.

In the Lose Baby Weight Review, mums will receive the 28 Day Diet & Exercise Plan and gain access to the website tools all in the name of weight loss.

28 Day Diet Essentials PackIn addition to the 28 Day Diet & Exercise Plan, 10 lucky MoM Reviewers will also receive product from The Healthy Mummy Range … so keep your eyes open for those reviews popping up!

In the Lose Baby Weight Review, we asked mums to put the Lose Baby Weight 28 Day Diet & Exercise plan to the ‘Real Mum, Real Life’ test and post their review and ratings.

Published 31st August 2012

  • I thought this was fantastic

    I started doing the challenge and got sick 2 weeks in and still ate te reciepes but couldnt keep up with the exercise. At first I was losing a kilo a week abut when I got sick it was a kilo every couple of weeks. I purchased the book after doing the challenge and to this day 4 months later I am still using the reciepes and exercising and slowly workign towards my weigt lose goal. My 3yo eats the food and my fiance says that he even likes the food esp guessing what I have put into each reciepe. A few of my friends have just started doing it now as well and we all had our babies around the same time. The other good thing about it that I am lactose intolerant and it has a wide variety of reciepes that do not have dairy in them unlike other healthy eating plans I have found

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  • Just started and flying!

    Just started the 28 day meal and exercise plan, thought I better post a before pic so we can see where I end up…. so far on Day 4 and I’ve lost 2kgs! Going better than expected and the food is much tastier than on first impressions. I’ve already started to learn alot, things I thought I had the smarts about but obviously not, the numbers are the proof! Looking forward to each day ahead!

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  • LBW 28 day diet

    Well second week day 14 I’m half way through but know this is something I can do till the end as it is going to take me more than 28 days… ok the first week was awesome the sun was shining so was able to walk every day and as a result I lost a massive 1.6 kilos!!! This past week I splurged a little (cheated on the diet) and had a few extra carbs… I was hungry 🙁 I only was able to walk 3 days which was super disappointing but did some free weights at home… This morning I stepped on the scales thinking I would have put on everything I’d lost but OMG ANOTHER .3 of a kg 1.9 kg’s in two weeks GO ME!! The key is the shakes TMI but as a busy mum and the stresses of life and lack of nutrition you become irregular 🙁 the shakes have just about fixed that and the nutrients have given me the energy I need… Thank you so so so much LBW and MoM’s if it wasn’t for you I know I couldn’t do it! Thank you thank you thank you 🙂

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  • Great plan, great lifestyle change

    After being on the 28 day plan I lost just under 4kgs and the best thing, it was so easy. I’m bad at diets and have never been one to advocate them but I wouldn’t call this a diet. It’s a lifestyle change and so easy! It has taught me so much that even after almost 2 weeks following my completion I am still losing weight (despite a weekend bender although a lot more controlled). When I signed up to try this it was my last hope, with a spinal injury I had my doubts of how successful I could be losing weight but it just shows what you eat means so much more than how long you exercise for. Granted exercise is still required and the program makes that so easy to fit in whilst caring for an energetic toddler. I am now able to keep up with him, suffering from a lot less back pain and it only continues to get better. The program teaches you so much more than you would expect and as a novice (and pretty terrible) cook, it was so easy and so tasty! Even my husband gave the thumbs up! So if your thinking about it just do it, no excuse is worth it!

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  • So easy and better than that - fun!

    I’ve only been on the Healthy Mummy shakes for two weeks as the first week that they arrived in the mail I had tonsillitis so wasn’t having anything cold or milky. But two weeks in and I’ve lost 2kg! There are so many great elements to the LBW program I don’t really know where to start raving!!
    The shakes: They are very easy to make, although initially I found the flavours a bit strong and overwhelming. The great thing however, is you have so much flexibility with what you can add to the shakes to make them suit your taste buds. After a bit of experimentation, I now know what ratio of water and milk to add for both taste and texture (I don’t like my smoothies too thick) and I really look forward to making up a new flavour combination each morning. I even find myself planning two or three shakes in advance – it’s actually a lot of fun! The other great thing is the website/facebook is constantly updating new recipes from others Mums and there is great incentives ($100 Myer voucher!) to send in your own recipes as well.
    The diet book: I found useful to learn about meal sizes and what I should be snacking on in between meals, but I haven’t used the recipes much as I’ve been using up foods I already had in the fridge/freezer/cupboards. But one thing I did find, was by cutting my usual dinner portion down by half and adding in a big salad instead, I was feeling full and still able to have some of my favourite dinners. This week I have just done a meal plan and grocery shop from a bunch of the online recipes so it will be interesting to see how this goes, in both the weight loss factor and whether Hubby is happy with the menu 🙂
    The Motivation: I have found the Facebook page, daily emails and the website to be such a source of inspiration and motivation and I feel so connected – the support element of the LBW programme should not be underestimated! With my sample pack came the pedometer and it has been so great in getting me exercising. I HATE exercising, with the exception of walking and swimming, but the 10,000 steps challenge has been amazing in helping me to do a lot more walking than I would normally do. I went from doing 1600 step walks (pre pedometer) to 7000 step walks!
    Overall: I feel happy, I have more energy, I am getting out in the sunshine and fresh air more, I am motivated, I am more regular, I am sleeping better at night (when bub lets me), I look forward to cooking and for the first time ever I think I have found a plan I can stick with. I guess only time will tell so watch this space!

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  • So far great results!

    I am so amazed at how easy it is for me to stick to. I have so far lost 4.3kgs and I am only a week and a bit in (goes to show that I must have not been very good before). The recipes are great and dont feel at all like you are on a diet, easy to make and hubby likes them as well (who would have thought?!). Very keen to keep going and will update again!

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  • Yummy easy and it works

    My review is basically what the tittle is I find it very tasty, easy on the go and it increased my milk supply. I have only been doing it for 1 week so far so will have to get back to you with results but I’m feeling great

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  • Great support, great product.

    I lost 3 kg in the first week of using this product! The Lose Baby Weight Site is awesome and I love keeping track of my results.

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  • Week 2 and flying!

    Mid way through week 2 and still going well… had a little delay being my husbands birthday on the weekend and I’m the cake decorator soooo…… but my mind set is changing and I only had one small piece unlike my normal couple of large pieces and extra. So it didn’t affect me too much, just maybe put a hold on any weight loss for a couple of days but now its dropping again. I’m getting better at making the foods and starting to really undestand where I went wrong and learning new things. I’m doing the weightloss based purely on the 28 day meal plan with no shakes. Maybe some meals would be better replaced with a shake depending how the little fella is going (cooperating or not), but I’m getting the hang of it, and now think I’m ready to step it up a notch and take on the 10,000 steps a day challenge too! Once the ball is rolling it just becomes so easy. I’ve lost 9cm around the waist! Even my husband commented without my having to prompt him and tell him how much I’ve lost haha!

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  • Healthy lifestyle

    I have purchased products and have a healthy mummy smoothie most mornings for breakfast, I use the recipes from the website or books that I have purchased regularly and so far have lost 20 kilos since having my baby. I have recently got my husband more on board with recipes now that I have made him try them as he was a bit sceptical about the taste because of the healthy word. Fingers crossed as I try and loose another 20 to reach my ultimate goal

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  • Fairly easy meal plan

    I found this plan to be pretty good. The food plan was fairly easy to adapt for a toddler and I was able to do some exercise. I didnt loose as much weight as I wanted to, but this is my fault for not doing enough exercise. The book gave me a good exercise plan which was easy to understand. This is going to be my second time on this plan and this time I WILL be doing the exercise they recommend. I was lucky enough to be given this book. I wouldnt have paid for it as I am so skeptical on most of these things, but now that I have read it and seen results, I would recommend buying it!

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  • Healthy lifestyle

    I have purchased products and have a healthy mummy smoothie most mornings for breakfast, I use the recipes from the website or books that I have purchased regularly and so far have lost 20 kilos since having my baby. I have recently got my husband more on board with recipes now that I have made him try them as he was a bit sceptical about the taste because of the healthy word. Fingers crossed as I try and loose another 20 to reach my ultimate goal

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  • Meh, not all that inspired by it

    I purchased the Lose baby weight shakes to jump start my weight loss after baby 3. I was so excited and thought that it might have been a good way to ensure I was getting something into me in the morning.

    I did not enjoy the shakes/smoothies at all. I found them to thick and actually gagged trying to get through them.

    I did find the recipes quite nice and my husband and 3 year old enjoyed the meals as well. Although I’m not doing the shakes anymore, some of the recipes still feature in our meal plans.

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  • I thought this was fantastic

    I started doing the challenge and got sick 2 weeks in and still ate te reciepes but couldnt keep up with the exercise. At first I was losing a kilo a week abut when I got sick it was a kilo every couple of weeks. I purchased the book after doing the challenge and to this day 4 months later I am still using the reciepes and exercising and slowly workign towards my weigt lose goal. My 3yo eats the food and my fiance says that he even likes the food esp guessing what I have put into each reciepe. A few of my friends have just started doing it now as well and we all had our babies around the same time. The other good thing about it that I am lactose intolerant and it has a wide variety of reciepes that do not have dairy in them unlike other healthy eating plans I have found

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  • gross

    I found the shakes gross!! Maybe it was just me I don’t know but I have previously had other brands and found them much better. The meals they advise though are great and the advice they give also is very helpful. If I could of stomached the shakes would of been such a better result.

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  • Either a hit or miss

    I like how you can’t really taste the powder shakes in the smoothie and that it’s safe for breastfeeding. I can’t stand the chocolate shake because I was hoping to do some mochas but unfortunately I couldn’t bring myself to drink it. The exercise plan is great to use if you have money I have mainly guys in my house who eat for 2 people and the recipes and ingredients in the plan I would have to buy in bulk x2 it’s perfect for those that want a strict guide and a plan with what they want to eat day by day. I don’t find it very motivating I end up giving up within the first week.

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  • Yummy easy and it works

    My review is basically what the tittle is I find it very tasty, easy on the go and it increased my milk supply. I have only been doing it for 1 week so far so will have to get back to you with results but I’m feeling great

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  • Really worthwhile program, especially for mums

    I really enjoyed the program, It was easy to understand and follow. There was sufficient information available and there was just so much support. I really liked the facebook page it was really inspiring to see other people on their journey just like me that are all mums and really trying hard. I would definately (and have) recommended the program to others.

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  • Super for milk supply

    I found this product to be excellent for my milk supply. With a 4mth old baby & a busy 2 year old, I found a shake for breakfast incredibly convenient. Weight loss wasnt really my goal, just a focus on eating healthy and being aware of snacks. Rhiann was an amazing support! Have just finished purchasing another 2 flavours!

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  • Great program with amazing, extensive like-minded online community!

    I found the most unique and valuable aspect to the program was the great website resources and the feeling of support and inclusion gained from the online community of mums in similar situations, some at the same stage and many further down the path of achieving their goal weight. That was invaluable in feeling the goal is attainable and maintaining motivation. The wealth of information on the website is fantastic and the emails with new information are like little words of encouragement now and then to keep you going!

    I was not lucky enough to receive the shakes, but they are something I would love to try. My hectic workdays and managing the kids mean that I don’t always have time to preprepare lunches or sit down to eat breakfast, so I believe these would be of great value to me (and many other busy mums I’m sure)!

    Thanks for the opportunity to try this program. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend it to friends battling with post-baby weight.

    I will return and upload a photo when I work out how to!

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  • Loving it!!!!!!!!

    I have really enjoying making my smoothie every morning and the combinations I am creating are masterpieces! We are cooking the suggested meals at least 5 out of 7 days. Loving the spices and freshness of each meal. They appeal to my 14 month old and my husband also so making one meal is super easy. I will continue to exercise and encorporate the smoothies beyond the 28 days for sure. 5.5kg done and dusted. Pretty happy with the results.

  • The food style didn't interest me to keep going

    I actually didn’t finish this diet as I didn’t really find the food that interesting and therefore didn’t hold me attention. For me it has to be yummy food and I can’t be hungry otherwise I will fail. I found that this diet didnt offer me these options at all. I will say though, the ongoing emails were good for the contact.

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  • A common sense healthy eating plan

    The food plan is really appealing and is a straightforward common sense approach to healthy eating. I did not buy the shakes but agree to follow this guide completely, the cost would add up. Still, i used it as inspiration to get my butt moving more often and found that i had more energy with fewer mid afternoon slumps! The meals i made were mostly for myself – not the rest of the family – so i did have to prepare 2 meals most days.I have lost 3 kgs. I like that help is always at hand with this program. I would reccommend to others.

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  • Half way through

    Half way through my Lose Baby Weight program and am loving it. Honestly took me a litle while to get into the shakes and find the ones I liked and the one I didnt, but am now having one every morning and the energy it gives me is amazing, and less cravings for mid morning snacks is even better. This program has really given me hte motivation to push myself a little more to acheive the results I want. I am using my exercise equipment that has been neglected for quite some time again and feeling great doing do. The support and advise on the Lose Baby Weight Website and Facebook is fantastic. Rhian is always there to answer any questions or give advise. Plus the bonus of reading other mums Smoothie reciepes gives me inspiration to get a little more creative with mine. I highly recommend this program for anyone, not just mums. The ease of use is fantastic and it really does work.

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  • Great product

    Hi there

    I lost 3 kilos. I thought the plan was easy to follow and some yummy meal suggestions. It was more expensive than our normal weekly meals, but I think I learnt some ideas for new meals to add to our healthy regulars.

    I had the shakes as well and thought they were delicious! Easy to make as well. The only thing that didn’t suit me is you can’t really make them ahead of time. I tried making some in the morning and taking to work and while it was still nice, it wasn’t the same. For busy mum’s it would be good if you could make them ahead of time.

    I would recommend this product to others, and I’d suggest doing the shakes and 28 day plan.

    Rhian offers great service, is fast to reply and I enjoyed getting the emails with health and exercise tips.

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  • Expensive

    I think this is a great product if you can afford to follow it. Its a great easy to use guide to weight loss which reminds people about common sense in regards to successful weight loss and maintaining. I HIGHLY recommend having a budget plan though. I have 5 mouths to feed and buying the listed foods for a week would equate to a months worth of food. To buy those foods only for myself would also blow our budget. To give you an idea, I may be able to scrape about $30 a week for ‘special’ food. I would have loved to try the shakes with this plan, I think that they would be great and very successful , though still expensive. I have lost weight using this but only due to following the exercise regime because I can not afford the menu. It has however made me think more about ways to improve the food we consume daily and better it for everyone. Thank you allowing me to trail this product, I hope this feed back is of use.

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  • Great plan, great lifestyle change

    After being on the 28 day plan I lost just under 4kgs and the best thing, it was so easy. I’m bad at diets and have never been one to advocate them but I wouldn’t call this a diet. It’s a lifestyle change and so easy! It has taught me so much that even after almost 2 weeks following my completion I am still losing weight (despite a weekend bender although a lot more controlled). When I signed up to try this it was my last hope, with a spinal injury I had my doubts of how successful I could be losing weight but it just shows what you eat means so much more than how long you exercise for. Granted exercise is still required and the program makes that so easy to fit in whilst caring for an energetic toddler. I am now able to keep up with him, suffering from a lot less back pain and it only continues to get better. The program teaches you so much more than you would expect and as a novice (and pretty terrible) cook, it was so easy and so tasty! Even my husband gave the thumbs up! So if your thinking about it just do it, no excuse is worth it!

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  • Creating good habits

    Unfortunately I did not lose any weight on the program but that was not the reason why I decided to try it. As a mum to a 4 year old and 15 month old life is fairly busy. I have struggle with my weight and eating issues since I was a teenager. Given that I am in the fitness industry I am fit and healthy but I have a few extra kilos that have been around long before I had my children. Eating regular balanced meals is a struggle with a hectic schedule so I wanted to use the program to create better eating habits. I have achieved this through this program. The shakes are easy and quick. I reduced my binge eating and my sugar cravings. I am going to continue with the program and any weight reduction will be a bonus. Thank you Rhian for your wonderful support and customer service.

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  • 3 kg lost.

    At the end of 3 weeks, I have lost 3 kgs, and will continue to stick with this. The reason I haven’t lost more is that I have only been able to exercise 2 days out of this time. This week I’m really getting into exercising.
    A friend has said she will be starting this program, as it’s obviously a lot easier than most.

  • woohoo 5kg

    Happy to say I have lost 5kg since 17th September. Super easy to do the shakes, loving all the fruit and amazing combos I come up with every day. Cooking some of the suggested meals for the family as well. Find them a tad time consuming but they are really enjoyable and tasty. Going to continue and lose more weight. I do exercise every day and that is a big key in the weight loss also.

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I fondly remember slow, summer afternoons with family and friends gathered around a table of delicious finger-food during my childhood – the adults chatting and laughing, the kids pretending they understood the jokes. My parents had continued their Mediterranean traditions long after settling in Australia – and the simple joy of an effortlessly elegant gathering was one of my favourites.

What I don’t remember is my parents ever being stressed about the gatherings. It all just seemed to ‘come together’. Ah, how times have changed!

There’s something about the Italian style of entertaining that’s still so alluring in our fast-paced family lives. The idea of La Dolce Vita: a sweet life surrounded by family, friends, food and minimal fuss. Which is why we’ve enlisted the help of the entertaining experts at Sandhurst to share easy tips for elegant, memorable summer get-togethers.

We also asked our community of mums to share their tried and true, easy summer entertaining ideas, and we can’t wait to share them with you!

Euro-Inspired Entertaining


Before we dive into the delicious world of sumptuous, simple summer entertaining, it helps to know a little about the inspiration behind our guide. And that’s the concept of Italian entertaining – where time is taken to lovingly grow ingredients, before enjoying them with those you love.

Established in 1988, Sandhurst was born from the time-honoured traditions of generations of the family behind the brand – a proud Italian Australian family passionate about quality produce sourced from world’s best growers.

At the helm of Sandhurst are brothers Mimmo and Ray Lubrano, who live and breathe the impeccable ingredients that become the centrepiece of so many gatherings in Australian family homes.

“Tradition is what we stand for. We’re custodians of Italian values,” explained Mimmo. “When we go to Italy we see it in our grandparents, our parents came from Italy in the 50s. The tradition is a set of values: honesty, teamwork, participation, family – all the things you would associate with Italian family are the values.”

And it’s these beautiful values that make summer gatherings in Australia an extension of the European table.

Easy Summer Entertaining Starts With … Time Saving Secrets!


A sweet summer of entertaining doesn’t need to be stressful. In fact, it shouldn’t be. It’s a chance to spend time with loved ones. To press pause on life and make memories. And it can be simple! So here are some really easy tips for making your home the place where everyone wants to gather this summer.

Create An Entertaining Kit

Whether it’s pre-planned or you’ve had friends or family drop-in, having a few things ready to go immediately melts away any stress. Here are some things to include in a summer entertaining kit:

  • A red table cloth: It instantly says festive!
  • Some platters and serving dishes
  • Candles
  • Some quality antipasto ingredients that simply need to be decanted and enjoyed!

Many Hands Make Light Work

As mums, we tend to be our own worst enemy when it comes to delegating tasks. But remember, a summer of entertaining is about creating memories – not perfection. So let the kids help, and accept offers from your guests who’d like to bring something along to share.

“It can be overwhelming, so just delegate, and prepare. I do one dish prep per day and pop them in the freezer. Then they just need to be heated up. Let the kids do the decorating for you – plus keeps them busy!” – MoM Member Kirsty

Decorate With Happiness

There’s no need to pull out your finest crystal to pull off an elegant get together. Take a look around your home and garden to see what will bring your table to life. A bowl of lemons is a gorgeous addition, as is a bunch of gum leaves. Keep it simple and understated.


Finger Food For The Win

Nothing says simple summer elegance more than a charcuterie board (or three!). When my friends and our families get together, it’s our go-to – every family is asked to ‘bring a board’. Some do savoury and some sweet, so we’re covered for a long afternoon of catching up.

“Food wise, I keep it simple by doing cold deli meats, cheeses, fresh fruits and veggies.” – MoM Member

But just because boards are easy to put together, doesn’t mean they can’t ooze elegance. And that comes down to including quality ingredients. Choosing Sandhurst products is the easiest way to guarantee the highest quality ends up on your table. We love the premise behind the brand: from our family to yours – it invokes that nostalgic feeling of shared stories, history, gatherings and family.

How To Put Together A Charcuterie Board 

Sandhurst article image

There are no right or wrong ways to create a charcuterie board, but to ensure a balance of textures and flavours try to include:

La Dolce Vita!

A summer of sophisticated entertaining doesn’t have to be hours and hours of work. We don’t want it to be! By grabbing some beautiful ingredients to fill your pantry next time you’re shopping, you’ll know that at a moment’s notice you’ll have everything you need for a Euro-inspired gathering. No fuss, but plenty of substance and style!


Ready to host your own summer gathering? Choose Sandhurst’s quality produce and look for the red lid.

Mouths of Mums is proudly working with Sandhurst to bring you this article.

  • So much goes into a great entertaining platter for us and it ends up costing quite a fair bit! The key for us is to have a variety of the same category/group that really make it a stand out. Theres no need for fancy boards etc as its all covered anyway


  • I love Sandhurst products and would love to try the eggplant strips.


  • I have been a lover of Sandhurst products for a long long time – their olives, jalapenos, capers and semi dried tomatoes are the best. The brand is the best and they are not too expensive as well.


  • The Sandhurst products are so tasty and you make a great impression on the table when entertaining. The Kalamata Olives and eggplant strips when eaten together are so flavoursome. I love making a pasta dish with the delicious Capers too.


  • I’ve really needed some inspiration this year for Christmas and this is great! I Love a good charcuterie board and I think I may do one this year for the family as well as all the regular Christmas trimmings. I have 6 kids and all the extended family coming to entertain and feed!


  • I’m loving all the ideas here in the comments and pictures above! I love to be able to just look at what others have done and straight up copy it. Takes all the thinking energy out of entertaining!
    Such a good and trusted brand to purchase over the silly season! You know you are faring great quality and value!


  • We often have homemade pizza nights aka fakeaway night! And my pizza is always on a low carb Pizza base with roasted and sundried tomato and capsicum. My fav combo with grilled chicken and a swirl of peri peri mayonnaise! Making our own is always better than takeaway versions and healthier!


  • Sandhurst products are my go to for great healthy and tasty snacks, especially after school.


  • Great information! Loved it. You can see https://reminiiapp.com/


  • Looked so good I couldn’t wait – Dove in off the end of my bread baton and swirled around in a couple of cheesy dips only to finish up at the Sandhurst stackers and sun-dried olives, who needs a Holiday when there is one in the kitchen, I can take any day.


  • I have been buying Sandhurst Kalamata Olives, Sandhurst Semi-Dried Tomatoes, Sandhurst Baby Capers, Sandhurst Sicilian Green Olives for years as our kitchen staple adding that extra flavours to our dishes. I buy Sandhurst products for Gift Baskets as presents for family and friends and they love this idea as I add a chopping board and a knife and crackers and cheese for a celebration of flavours.


  • Great ideas for entertaining guests and love that brand I buy it all the time


  • i buy this for family they love the brand and the taste of sandhurst and the different flavors and range to choose from and i find it great value for money, i re-use the jars when im done with for small items in the house.


  • I have been a purchaser of Sandhurst goods ever since they first appeared on supermarket shelves and still buy it to this day. The Sandhurst brand is the best without a doubt. This year I have not been able to find the Sandhurst cheese stuffed baby capsicums anywhere. I have tried to get on the Sandhurst site, but no luck with what they make. Help – these are such a wonderful addition to a salad.


  • Fantastic Article


  • I Love a good charcuterie board. I Love all the different options all on the one board. I love to do a chocolate board when we have guests over, it’s a fun way to do dessert after dinner. The kids love seeing everything layed out so they can pick and choose.


  • This is great for the grandchildren they love them as they use them as finger food and make up their own meal and use plenty of ingredients including meat and cheese on the dips and crackers. We keep it simple with the Sandhurst’s products as it is a meal in every jar and the kids love them.


  • This looks like the perfect relaxed way to have a picnic! I am loving the idea of this! Just bring along lots of fillings and plenty of cheeses and breads and of course a little alcohol and you’re all set. This sounds like the perfect way to catch up with friends!


  • I hate being taken to a third party page to enter comps.


  • Certainly most welcome for summer, and would be wonderful for the festive season. I can see this platter on the table Christmas Eve, when we get together with our neighbours.


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