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1. When girls are babies, no matter how hard you try not to, you will dress them in pink. You will swear that you will be more adventurous, but eventually realise no-one sells it.

2. Girls will always, always, melt their daddys hearts which translates in to a lot of little presents for them and you will wonder at times where yours are.

3. Girls can always, always get what they want from their daddys because daddys are weak and easily manipulated.

4. Girls are manipulative to anyone not strong enough to see past their perfect little smiles. Which is almost everyone but their mums.

5. Girls will go through a princess phase where everything suddenly must have sparkles and they must wear a big fluffy dress with a tiara on. Just roll with it and don’t try to fight it. Take them to the fairy park, let them watch the movies and let them dress like a demented ballerina at the supermarket.

6. Girls are mentally smarter than boys a lot faster, but boys are more physically adept and daring than girls earlier. They eventually catch up, but often boys version of play makes girls cry. And girls play bores boys.

7. Girls can sit in peace and read a book or play with dolls without making a sound for quite some time. This will always amaze mothers of boys.

8. Girls will eat anything presented to them artistically, but can often go for days on what seems like air because nothing has engaged their senses. It’s a struggle and very trying, but lean in to your artistic side and something will get through.

9. Girls will go through a pony/cat/puppy phase. Don’t give in and buy any of them unless you are prepared to look after it in three months time for the rest of it’s natural life.

10. Girls love cupcakes. If nothing else is true in the above list, you must believe me. Cupcakes to girls are like diamonds to Elizabeth Taylor – you can get girls to do most anything with the promise of a perfect, tiny cupcake.

Posted by redsage, 29th May 2013

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  • Thanks for sharing your thoughts!


  • Thanks for the tip on presenting food artistically to entice girls to eat. Grandma had that one pegged with the smiley tomato sauce face on the omelette. My turn to be artistic!


  • Agreed to 8 out of 10…especially the cupcakes.


  • I loved both the original story by redsage and the reply about boys – thanks for a great insightful laugh.


  • I really enjoyed reading through your post on 10 things about boys – I had to have a giggle about the “always mini me” in daddy’s eyes is very very very true!! My husband is always referring to Mr A as mini me – mind you if you ask anyone, Mr A is really like his dad. Except for the red hair. I get so frustrated walking the aisles of baby clothes – plenty of girls clothes and smallest section for boys. But we an get some gorgeous boys shirts. My boy is a country boy – so he is always in jeans and a shirt or jeans and tshirt!! 🙂 Thanks for the post though – its great, put a smile on my dial!!!


  • 10 Things About Boys From a Mothers Point Of View

    Well your post just made me smile, I would love one day to have a little girl. Right now though, I’m a Mum to two young boys, and grew up with boys all around me, and I thought I’d echo your post with my own experiences.

    1- When you go shopping for boys, it will be frustrating at the aisles and aisles of pink dresses and mini jackets and sparkly shoes for girls. After you get over this, you realize that people don’t think we wish to dress up our boys too, and therefore have to buy many cute outfits online and where we can find them. While we want little girls to look “pretty” we want our little boys to look “cool” and will fork out big time for a mini leather jacket or converse high tops. When they are babies nothing thrills us more than dressing them as sailors, teddy bears and anything else we know they will never let us do again ( even of course, trying them in a pink outfit, in which they will look like a gorilla in a dress).

    2. While girls do melt Daddy’s hearts, boys have their Mums wrapped around their little finger, who will oblige any fantasy they choose, will buy them a $25 mini train that we know too well will be dropped from a height within the day, and get the “well loved” look by the afternoon.

    3. Boys appear to be a mini me in Dad’s eyes, so they may be indulged in things we wouldn’t dream of as Mum’s, simply because Dad wants his mini me to grow up into a “manly man”. This is why my husband came home with a ridiculous massive nerf gun for my son’s 3rd birthday, which he still can’t use.

    4. Girls have those sweet, darling smiles and a gentle demeanor. Boys simply repeat what they wish for, every 2 seconds for as long as it takes,getting louder and louder, and will have a big tanty in front of whoever if necessary. I wish to mention there is a small handful of quiet boys that like to garden and play quiety with a truck. These boys are not mine.

    5. Boys go through a phase where they are obsessed with a character ( mine love Thomas Tank) which later develops into a fully fledged belief they are a super hero of some sort. You think demented ballerina is bad, try having your kid wear his undies on the outside for a stretch.

    6. Not all boys and girls are the same in development. Some boys talk very early. I found most girls talked before my boys, as my boys are scaling the walls and hanging from high cupboards. They don’t find girls boring; instead try to educate them on the exact way to risk their safety by climbing the kitchen bench, and how to bail off the top of a slide.

    7. Boys do not sit still. But they day I found my eldest playing quietly with his cars I almost died of shock, and now for around an hour he actually plays quietly on his own. However he usually wants constant assistance with things, and does wish to involve me in most games ( which I adore).

    8. Boys will refuse for days to eat anything, regardless if it’s their favourite or not. Then they will consume everything in your fridge and cupboards, and the fear of two teenage appetites sets in. Thank God I can cook!!

    9. It is important to include animals ( in my opinion if you can) in your and your child’s life. They will not be able to do everything, but will delight in doing tasks they can do, such a feeding or brushing. The pet will also be very, very well loved and happy. It’s just our husband’s we need to work on…as they are the one’s on doo-doo duty.

    10. Girls love cupcakes. So do boys. However boys don’t lightly nibble at them, sweetly not dropping a crumb. Rather they lick all the icing off and kind of cookie-monster attack the cake, if at all, as they think the cake is just a vehicle for the icing.

    11. I had to add, girls are sweet, gentle and kind. There are also tree-climbing, dirt loving girls, just as there are boys that prefer to stay clean and read books or play lego. Both have one thing in common. An innocent, sweet ( also very cheeky) smile and huge eyes that make you fall in love every time you look at them <3


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