5 Comment
All the time getting seen out and about with my 4 kids I get all sorts of comments. People stopping me to ask questions like are they all mine, now that you’ve got your girl are you finished, ect…. One comment I get from NEARLY everyone is that I must be a “Supermum”, with having so many kids and having to juggle them about.
Now, I may have 4 kids and schedules and ect… for all of them BUT, there are mums out there that have kids with problems, mentally, physically ect… that 1 child can count as the amount of work for 2 children or even more. There are mums that have 1 child and “don’t know how you do it”.
Well, it is simple. I put it this way. With each child, I have had to re-learn to be a parent all over again.
With 1 child it was quite easy, he didn’t really alter my life all that much as I didn’t really go out at night or anything. He was a textbook baby as such, was a good baby.
With my 2nd child, it was slightly harder but still quite easy. He was a good baby also. Although I did have to re-learn to be a parent with making sure both kids got mummy time and felt loved ect…
Now where it starts getting harder is with the 3rd child. Mind you, he is only 12 months younger than my 2nd. My 2nd child started feeling left out and reverted back to being a baby with my 3rd child. It started getting hard. But after a while, I got into the swing of things – I think it took about a good month or so (give or take).
When my 4th child was born, my first girl, things got really complicated. When she was born, my eldest was just started prep. I had 3 children at home 3 years and under. It took me a good 2-3 months to get back into the swing of things. It was HARD. The re-learning how to be a parent was HARD to all 4 kids. All with different needs, and different schedules.
The thing is though, we are ALL ‘Supermums’!! I feel guilty when I get called a Supermum just because I have 4 kids. We are all amazing Supermums. We have all had to learn how to be a parent to our beautiful children.
being a Supermum is making sure you kids have what they NEED, making sure that your kids are LOVED!
Good on you Supermum!! You are doing a fantastic job!!
Posted anonymously, 3rd November 2015
mom94125 said
- 29 Dec 2015
mom81879 said
- 05 Nov 2015
mom93821 replied
- 21 Dec 2015 , 6:59 am
mom93821 said
- 04 Nov 2015
mom165081 said
- 03 Nov 2015
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