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I just want to say thanks to the MoMs team yet again because the current We-Vibe competition has given me the perfect idea for an anniversary present for my husband (get your minds out of the gutter ladies!). We don’t have much money to spare this year and nowhere really to go (or babysitters to sit) even if we did. I do however, have a bathroom cabinet FULL of beauty products.

My husband is a big, burly man, but just like any human being, he loves to be touched and pampered. So this year, instead of buying him something he doesn’t need, I’m going to make a big deal of how much I love him by giving him an at home pamper session. A full facial (including eye-brow wax – they’re driving me a little crazy atm), pedicure and maybe, if he’s really lucky, a massage. It’s hopefully something that he will appreciate (and let him know just how much I appreciate him) without it costing a cent (well – no more than what I’ve already spent).

And who knows, it may even lead to a VERY happy anniversary night and become a regular night in for us.

So, once again, thanks Mom team – keep up the good work!

Posted anonymously, 21st April 2014

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  • That sounds awesome and he will love it!


  • A personal and lovely anniversary idea.

    • An anniversary you will always remember!


  • Excellent idea, hope he appreciates your effort.


  • It’s a fallacy that big, macho men don’t like that sort of thing. A lot of them would love it, but wouldn’t admit it. Good on you for thinking of it, and I hope you both had an anniversary to remember.


  • So sweet story ๐Ÿ™‚ Happy anniversary to you both.


  • what a fantastic idea for a present, I hope it all went well


  • I bet he really appreciated this! ๐Ÿ™‚


  • What a wonderful idea. I am sure your husband would much prefer this as well. I am sure smiles all round in the morning Ha Ha ha


  • I hope you have a good anniversary! This is a nice idea ๐Ÿ™‚


  • What a great idea – always being inspired by this site! Hope you have a wonderful anniversary ๐Ÿ™‚


  • I am almost certain it would be the best anniversary present ever! Happy anniversary and enjoy a great night in!


  • That’s a great idea. There is so much inspiration to be had on this site. He will probably appreciate being pampered at home and made a fuss of more than an expensive gift that he probably doesn’t need. Men love to be made a fuss of by their women.


  • Happy Anniversary. Good luck with the waxing part for your hubby.


  • Well, I’m sure he is going to love it. Happy anniversary!


  • That’s really sweet! My. Husband would not let me near him with any form of wax!


  • What a great idea!! Happy anniversary ๐Ÿ™‚


  • Hope you have a wonderful anniversary. I get a lot of ideas from MoM as well and some great gift ideas from the competitions too ๐Ÿ™‚


  • This is a great idea I’m sure he will love it , hope you have a wonderful anniversary .


  • that is a fantastic idea and I am pretty sure your Hubby will love it….and where it may lead to. By the sounds of it you are going to have a terrific Anniversary and it is never about how much you spend but the thought you put behind it


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