
31 Comment

My kids believe so much in Santa. They believe he is real and brings them gift, for real at midnight, and they don’t have to stay up when he has to come. This Christmas night, my husband turned off the light from the Christmas tree, since we didn’t have gifts for them. When they woke up the next morning, as usual, they ran to the tree and found that the lights were off and there were no presents. They started crying so I got up, and asked them what the problem was? They both exclaimed at once and said ‘Papa turned off the light off the Christmas Tree and Father Christmas did not see our tree to leave us presence”. I was dump founded. But they kept on weeping. I went to the room, shouted at their father to their hearing and then we both laughed. It was funny, so these kids believe in Santa, we asked ourselves.

Posted by susan_dione_epiepang, 4th April 2014

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  • I find this quite sad for the children.


  • stories are great


  • its a nice story to read


  • great to read this story


  • The only way you do not need to be said again, is to send them gift when the time comes. So just start preparing.


  • i too find this sad!


  • I am not sure how to take this story, I find it very sad for the children.


  • May be you guys need to understand me better. The kids had their normal Clothes and Shoes and whatever, but what we failed to do was to put some extra things like toys or story books under the Christmas. It is actually their surprise Gift from Santa, I meant.


  • We are a more than BLESSED family, you have the things you cherish in your Western World and we have ours in Africa. Not given kids Xmas Presents doesn’t mean we are lacking, but it does not matter much to us. OK??


  • what an amazing read – especially the comments! i’m not really sure what to think right now.


  • There are so many ways to give gifts, it doesn’t have to be commercially bought gifts, It can be home made gifts. kids are happy to play with boxes, rocks etc.. gifts are what you make of them. just think outside the box


  • It’s interesting isn’t it, when we assume things based on our own cultural upbringings.

    Whether it was their intention or not, they have kept the spirit of Santa alive. By daddy being silly and forgetting that it was Christmas Eve and turning off the lights, Santa just couldn’t find them to leave presents, rather than having the children believe that Santa came but didn’t leave anything then leading them to believe they’ve been naughty, as the story goes.

    I feel for this family that they struggle with their everyday needs – it’s a reminder for those of us in Australia to be grateful for all of the support and benefits we are given.

    Susan, I am glad that you have your faith and the tradition of Church to give and pass onto your children. I pray that this year God sees fit to bring a little extra joy to you and your family this year at Christmas.


  • Never mind, the cards are turning. A time will come when we shall tell the story how we overcame, and only then shall we understand how we really cope the times. God’s time is and remains the best.


  • Even allowing for cultural differences, I find this a sad story.


  • I’m sorry if I may have offended the author or anyone else with my comments on this story but it like another commenter played on my mind and I can’t believe somebody would actually do such a thing.

    • No big deal. Just be sure next time and always put yourself in other people’s shoes. Africans.


  • *basic wage*


  • Ok here goes. I might get into trouble for saying this but I would rather say what I feel. Firstly Susan you need to get the massive chip off your shoulder. You now live in a country that is blessed. I believe in God too and thank him everyday that I have food, clothes and a roof over my head and can afford basic things for my son. I work in health on a moderate wage and this year my ex partner decided he would try to move away and put up a custody case to try and take full custody of my son. Despite me not getting much in the way of child support he is a far wealthier person especially combining his fiancées income than me. I went through avenues to try and get legal aid and despite having a health care card I’m not eligle. If I had not been able to borrow large sums of money, which I’m hugely indebted for I would probably have lost my son because of this tyranny. Get of your moral high horse, I thank god everyday for the small moments. This is reverse racism at its worse. If you don’t want our “funny Western toys” as you describe them, my son and I would be most grateful for them. You need to reconcile yourself with the past my dear. You are here in a lucky country. Next time I see a booth for Medicine Sans Frontiers trying to jump in front of me asking for a donation that I can’t afford I will pass on the message that you don’t want any of our funny Western aid just “peace and reconciliation.” You should feel ashamed of yourself, you are a very resentful person.

    • This should have been one of the main reasons why your son’s father walk out on you. You lack the sense of reasoning. I am not living in a western country, but in my country Cameroon – Africa. Christianity does not warrant pretense, nor any form of extra stress, to satisfy the things of the world. Here in my country, when you are working more than 10 persons including adults, look up to you for their daily bread and all it takes to be alive. No credit cards, no unemployment benefits you name them.
      Learn to understand others and you will live a happy life. African kids need food, we have our artists who make some good playing items our kids cherish. They like drums, wire cars, old tires, dish covers with spokes and many more.

      • Um lol, where did you read my partner walked out on me? I think you should also read before you write something like that. How dare you assume he walked out on me? I put myself in other people shoes everyday actually. I would chose to help out people in my own country that are homeless and without food etc – if I humanly could afford to, before I stroked my own ego and pretended I’m Mother Teresa. I think it’s terrible that people around the world are starving. It is a slap in the face to call the good will of westerners and the toys we send “funny Western toys.” You don’t know my situation or that of anyone else, so I suggest you get your facts exactly right before you pass judgement. Matthew 7:1 “Do not judge, or you too will be judged.”


  • Sorry!! My husband and I did not laugh at their faces!! We found it funny that they actually believed Santa was real. We keep on surprising them when we have the means and time. They still believe in Santa, be rest assured. Anyway even shocking things are funny at times, aren’t they??


  • That is all well and good but to laugh about your child’s pain surely in the lords eyes is not right. This story has played on my mind many times in the last few days in the most sad way


  • Hello my dear mothers, i have read and laughed through all your worries, just abit of what African kids go through at times. If we can afford for a pair of shoes, some clothes and food for that day, we can say thank you Lord. The essential thing is for them to dress good and go to church, looking good. The important thing is for them to know the true meaning of the day and not whatsoever. If you really feel for them and other African kids who undergo this experience in a yearly basis, then send SANTA to us too, when Christmas is at hand. Back here in Africa we are taught that Christmas is the time for RECONCILIATION AND FORGIVENESS, and that’s why going to church is our priority. NOT FUNNY TOYS FROM THE WESTERN WORLD.


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