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A conflicted mum says she’s torn about supporting her teenage son’s decision to be sexually active with his girlfriend. On the one hand she wants to help him be safe, on the other she’s not sure she should be encouraging it.

The mum explained her 14-year-old son and his 14-year-old girlfriend have been together for three months, and she claims the pair ‘seem pretty serious’.

“He came to me the other day, a bit apprehensive and told me that he and his girlfriend had ‘gone all the way,” the mums said.

“Obviously, I was a little bit shocked but in a way kind of prepared for this conversation. We talked and I explained to him that things can happen when the mood gets heated.

“He promised me it was consensual. I did say to him however that it was a little bit irresponsible of him because I knew that he didn’t have any protection.

“He did say that he pulled out and I explained to him that’s not 100% safe. He has promised that it won’t happen again without protection.”

The mum says she has now purchased condoms for her son, but doesn’t know whether to give them to him or not.

“The thing is though he’s been staying overnight with his girlfriend, although the sex happened on a day that he wasn’t staying overnight. Now I’m not really sure whether to just accept this happening and give him the condoms or leave it and wait and see if he asks me to get him some.”

What’s your advice for this mum? Let us know in the comments below.

  • It’s very young to be taking that step, but regardless of if you agree with it or not, hes going to keep doing it, so I think you should give him the protection and tell him to use it as accidents do happen very easily! It’s good that he came to you about it, so I feel you can give him the protection and say while you aren’t happy they are doing this, you at least want to know that they are being cautious


  • Really too young to be in a serious relationship like this, even if they are both consensual. What a worry for parents. Why is he staying overnight with the girlfriend? just inviting trouble. I think they might have to have some supervision and as this is bound to happen again, condoms for protection against unwanted pregnancy.


  • It just shows what a wonderful relationship you have with your son and how much he trusts you. I think you need to sit him down and explain to him about it being illegal and that they could both get into trouble. Since it has happened once I’m sure they’re not going to stop so I’d give him at least one of the condom’s so that they can avoid any pregnancy issues.


  • This is a very difficult situation. I certainly wouldn’t be supportive of this as a parent and I would be a little disappointed that my kids were doing this at such a young age. On the other hand, things could end up being so much worse if the girlfriend gets pregnant. I think it would be worth seeing if the girl’s parents know what they are doing.
    As part of my faith I am bringing my kids up to not have sex before marriage, I know this is not for everyone, but it does solve a lot of problems and both of my kids accept this as being the right thing.


  • This is so hard. But whatever you do, don’t tell him off or he’ll not talk to you about big stuff again. Tell him it’s illegal. Stress the consequences of unsafe sex – pregnancy, disease. And talk about consent!


  • I think it is wonderful that your son had the courage to tell you, you must have a great relationship. I would sit down and talk to him about the consequences and give him one of the condoms and see his reaction. I remember having to ask my mum to take me to the doctors to get contraception.


  • Not sure where my previous comment went.


  • I can understand children being curious, but he and his girlfriend are way too young. I can only suggest talking to him and letting him know that he is shortchanging his childhood.


  • Firstly i would commend him for coming to you first and being open and honest.
    I definitely wouldn’t encourage it.
    But at 14 years I wonder if they knew what they were doing and maybe it wasn’t as great as they thought and I dare say it’s probably bragging rights .
    I also wonder if the girls parents know as she could easily fall pregnant at 14 .
    Do they still do sex education in year 7 anymore or is that a no go zone at schools now. I think social media also has alot to answer for as you don’t know what they are watching these days.
    The problem here is when word gets around 🙄.
    I would personally not encourage him and tell him it is illegal to have sex under 16 years.
    But I still feel they will do it either way .


  • This is tough. 14 is still so very, very young but they’ve already proven they’re going to do it and now it’s happened once i very much doubt they aren’t going to keep doing it. It’s great that your son has been honest with you. I just hope his girlfriend can be as open with her parents.


  • I think you should be supportive and give him the condoms. It’s going to happen again because you can’t unring that bell, it’s better that he’s prepared. I would have suggested that perhaps the girlfriend should get the morning after pill just ad a precaution because you just never know. 14 is way too young to become parents, but maybe that’s just me.


  • test Please support him and give him the condoms. It’s going to happen whether you support him or not, so you may as well ensure they are both protected from any negative consequences while, at the same time, maintaining the relationship you have with your son. You are very lucky to have a relationship with your son where he feels he can talk to you about such matters and values your support so much.


  • Please support him and give him the condoms. It’s going to happen whether you support him or not, so you may as well ensure they are both protected from any negative consequences while, at the same time, maintaining the relationship you have with your son. You are very lucky to have a relationship with your son where he feels he can talk to you about such matters and values your support so much.


  • I’m so glad he has such a good relationship with his mother that he could confide in her. That would be rare and often parents would be the last to know. Talk to him about protection as it is likely to happen again and her parents should really know. Such a worry at that age.


  • Mum should make sure her son has condoms with him whenever he meets his girlfriend, as they are quite likely to make love again (his girlfriend getting pregnant would be a disaster, both for the girl and probably also for the relationship). Beyond making sure he has condoms, mum should take a fairly neutral stance on the matter, neither condoning nor condemning the activity.


  • It isn’t illegal. If they are underage and 2 years or less apart in age it is not illegal.


  • So very pleased that you have such a lovely rapport with your son that he was able to talk to you about this. So many children just don’t talk about it until they have to because the girl is pregnant.
    As others have said I would be asking if the girl’s parents are aware, and perhaps the three of you should or could be able to talk about this openly, because what they are doing is illegal at their age. Maybe talking might take the edge of their ‘lust’ until they are older, but taking safety precautions is a definite must now.


  • Gosh, you’re doing an amazing job. He told you, which shows the level of trust he has in you and it’s most important to nurture that. Pick your time and chat to him about a lot of the things mentioned here. Keep it light over dinner or something! But talk about what active consent looks like, if he’s checked in with his girlfriend since and regularly and sorting the act, talk about what feels good for women and how finishing isn’t always the goal! Definitely give him the condoms and talk to him about other birth control measures and ask if the girlfriends parents know. If they’re not comfortable telling her parents, then it would be nice if you can talk to her as well and make sure she’s OK and if she wants tu get birth control and what other activities they can explore that aren’t just sex and how to communicate when you don’t feel like sex and what the difference is between sex and intimacy. Good luck!


  • It’s good to keep honest communication with your kids. I would rather know what was going on rather than have them sneaking behind my back. However, the age thing is a worry. Id be gently encouraging him to wait until he’s older. Just because it’s happened once doesn’t mean it has to keep happening


  • First of all it’s great that this son confides in his mother and shares he that he and his girlfriend had sex together !
    Some points to consider:
    The legal age for consensual sex varies between 16 and 17 years across Australian state and territory jurisdictions.
    Some peoples puberty hits earlier and they just want to have sex. It’s natural as long as they use protection.
    I would absolutely give him the condoms.
    Consider talking with the parents of his girlfriend too.


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