
11 Comment

I am not sure what kind of kids this society is bringing up today. It is so different to when I was young. Don’t get me wrong some people are getting it so right. Raising lovely, respectful, independent happy kids but on the other spectrum my goodness…..I wouldn’t even know where to begin. It makes me sad!

Posted anonymously, 24th June 2015

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  • I feel that kids these days have little respect and no value for anything. Maybe it has come to them too easily and i guess we just wanted our kids to have things that we couldn’t have. Its quite sad that this is often the case.


  • It is very sad to see
    the parents are too busy or too lazy to really put in the effort each child needs to be a respectful, considerate and caring person.
    I see kids hitting mums, not listening and being rude to others and the parents either say something which isnt enough or dont say anything at all.
    The kids rule the household, scream and tantrum until they get what they want and because the parents are too tired or too busy or even too lazy they give in, Kids sit on their bums with a screen in their face and when its time to go to school and learn to be considerate to others they have no idea how because of how spolit they are.
    Parents need to remember they are moulding the personality of these children that one day need to join society and the big world and most of them will fail due to the simple fact that they havent been taught how to be a nice person, or havent been taught to deal with failure or havent been taught to have empathy or consideration.
    Its going to be a sad and hard life for these kids once they have to deal with things alone


  • Yes you are spot on .. it is sad to see.


  • This sounds like what every generation says about the next. There’ll always be people across the spectrum.


  • Some kids can be right little terrors!


  • yes well we all think this don’t we 🙂 our generation is better than the new one. I think that as the world gets more people, there are more examples of the bad eggs. The media doesn’t help either. What is acceptable to society always changes as well. Gays used to be outlawed but now they get married and have families. Imagine being gay in the 50’s! Of course people were but it wasn’t socially accepted. Teen pregnancies were hidden and babies adopted out but now teen mums flaunt their babies with love


  • I suppose we all should do our bit on raising good kids and teach them good manners and hope for the best.


  • Unfortunately though I raise my daughter to be respectful and behave and a decent part of society, I do see a lot of parents that allow their children to be disrespectful to not only other adults but them as parents. It is pretty disappointing.


  • I believe every generation feels this way. There is always a spectrum of behaviour and attitudes. The best thing a person can do is live and model their life according to their values, ethics and moral code. I do believe if we all take the time to talk to each other, we can find the similarities rather than the differences.


  • I hear you and I’m doing everything I can to raise my daughter with manners and respect


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