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My nephew was walking home with a couple of mates one night when he was hit from behind by a 4wd, it threw him 20 meters before landing just beside a steel post. We received a phone call telling us what had happened i hung up the phone and left to go to the hospital straight away. We arrived at the hospital as he was in emergency and they were working frantically on him, the drs came into us and said its not looking good they will do everything they can for him to make it through the night our hearts sank, the dr wanted us to sit down so he could begin to tell us if he survives he will have brain damage and will probably never walk again we all burst into tears, how could this be happening to our family. He amazed us all and made it through the night but was taken into ICU where he remained on life support for 3 and 1/2 weeks, we visited him daily talking to him hoping that he could hear us, the 1st couple of weeks he just laid and didnt respond close to the 3 week mark he started to move his hand and you could see his eyelids moving even though his eyes werent open it was like he was trying to open them. After the 3 and 1/2 they started to bring him out of his comma we still werent sure of the extent of the brain damage but we knew that he had no feeling from the breast down we just prayed that he knew who we were, over the next few weeks his turn around was huge he started to slowly smile and try and move his head from side to side so he could see who was standing on each side of him he slowly started to get use in his left arm and hand, his right arm didnt have much use at all. Its been 10 months since this happened and he is now in the Sydney rehab hospital where he is now able to get around in his electric wheel chair. He isnt strong enough to get himself in and out of it as he still doesnt have much strength in his right arm but he is starting to cope better with things now. There is very little sign of brain damage now and his bubbly personality is starting to come back out. He has done an amazing job on how far he has come from that night of the accident hopefully over time he regains more use in his right arm we are just thankful that he is still here with us.
Posted by kitbarker, 2nd July 2013
BellaB said
- 28 Feb 2016
mom57522 said
- 05 Jan 2015
jodie80 said
- 31 Mar 2014
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