
7 Comment

Yesterday, I had a bad day.
The crying baby was actually doing my head in, she had only slept for 15 minutes in 8 hours, she was feeding every hour, she refused her solids, she wanted constant cuddles.
I finally sat down last night and wondered if this was something I wanted, did I really want to be a mum.. obviously it was too late to change my mind, but it made me feel horrible! I was questioning whether I wanted these kids?! I have been a mum for 10 years, that’s all I have known for 10 years! I guess it got too much yesterday.
But I took a few deep breaths and looked at my kids, I reminded myself that they need me, they have no one else, that I love them with everything I am and everything I have.
Today, will be a better day.

Posted anonymously, 10th July 2015

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  • I hope you are feeling better.


  • I’m sure you’re doing better than you think. Parenthood is overwhelming but we all get through it!


  • I hope your feeling better. You are not a bad mum


  • yes it is good that you took a minute to just breathe! better than going off your head and regretting it. Children don’t view things like adults do. They sing and bang things on the floor and wall making wonderful music and we hear NOISE POLLUTION!


  • Sounds like you need someone to cuddle you! Hang in there and do not feel bad, it is normal to have ups and downs. But, do reach out to others for support if you need it-leaning on other people is ok. 🙂


  • It will be a better day, your bubs must be comming down with something. It ok to think that way when you are tired and need a break, i am sure it happens to us all at times. If you can find a way to have a few hours ME TIME. It might help you feel a little better.


  • I think most people sometimes think they’ve made a mistake. But like you, they pick themselves up and carry on.


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