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I have worked with children and adults with Autism/Aspergers
Sometihng to be aware of: Do not begin accepting a behavior if you are not prepared to tolerate it for life.
Learn as much as you can and there are plenty of books and documentations available now. Join a support group so you can share information, trials and tribulations.
A young mother has a child who was smacked by the pastor of their church because he was running and did not stop when asked. This infuriated the parents then when he was told the child had autism, the Pastor told the mother not to speak that word as it was a demonic presence in her child and he needed firm discipline. Needless to say this family never returned to that church.
I worked with children and adults with severe Autism and gained great insight and learned a lot from my clients.
I have a young friend with Aspergers, he is brilliant, and has many quirks but that does not make him unlovable. He is a very loyal friend. Parents often are unaware their child has this condition as they may have only mild symptoms, others who have severe symptoms just “know”. There are also overlapping symptoms from other disorders. Some children are considered being naughty and defiant until diagnosed. School and being pushed into areas of discomfort can be like hell for these children, so much stimulation overload. Being made to participate in activities where touching another person is part of the play or dance. Parents and teachers try to socialize these kids and it is just not going to end well.
A young adult friend of mine is a brilliant engineer and delightful company because I understand. He is on the high intellect level of Aspergers. One of his quirks is he cannot tolerate odd numbers of things, he gave me an egg one day because one had broken and it distressed him to have an odd number of eggs in the carton and he always cooks only two at a time. His mother said he was not diagnosed until he was about twelve. He had many struggles during his school years. Now he is working but has difficulty with social events that are part of his work, eating out is a chore as he is very fussy and can’t have one food item touching another. He does not tolerate particular textures and cannot tolerate foods presented together as in a casserole or mixed salads. I also have a stepson who is on the high intellect level of Aspergers. He has a weird sense of humor, is very loyal and once he is crossed it is forever! He struggled at school until he hit high school and then he blossomed as he had built a rapport with teachers who showed him respect and earned his trust. As youngster he was disruptive, as he would correct his teachers if they made an error. If they made a mistake, they were lying to him because they aught to know. His memory never let him forget anything he learned. He could not understand home work. To him, home work was chores at home and he did those and never understood what teachers meant. Then if he did complete written school work at home he did not hand it in because they had not told him to do so. He had a pike of this work at home that he had done. If his teachers wanted to know if he remembered what he had been taught, they just had to ask him, he had better things to do out of school such as playing with his dog.
He hated gym because he could not tolerate changing his clothes, when forced he wore gym clothes all day with his outside clothes and took them off and back on again. It must have been really uncomfortable but it worked for him. Always so polite, he opens doors for people and always for me. There is nothing he would not do if it would help me or make me happy. These kids thrive on positive feedback and they love to please.
I love him to bits. Please if you know of a child who has Autism / Aspergers, be kind to them learn to understand them and be patient. Be supportive to the parents.
Posted by Tene, 3rd December 2014
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