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We woke up this morning to pouring rain. And an early start as it its the first day of term 2. It is a bit of a chock to the system as the holidays are suddenly over with a huge weather change as we have had lovely Easter weather. and the alarm clock waking us up rather than our natural body clocks.
Out come the jumpers, school blazers and winter uniform and it feels today as though summer is now officially over and we are in the winter term! I had better make use of this bad weather and get some tidying up done inside and all those chores I had put off during the holidays which now I have no excuse not to do!
I hope everyone had a great first day back catching up with friends at school and ready for the winter sports to start this weekend,

Posted anonymously, 29th April 2014

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  • I agree with you. The holidays seem to have so quickly and now we are in the winter term. I’m not looking forward to the colds and sore throats starting either.


  • It was very cold this morning.
    Hubby was in charge of school drop off today which was lucky for me 🙂
    Hubby even put another blanket on me this morning because it was so cold he says


  • FIrst day of term 2 started yesterday here and it was hot. And now today the absolute opposite, we went from summer clothes to winter clothes, it is cold wet and windy today.


  • We also woke up to a miserable and cold day here, but I have to secretly admit to being happy about getting back into a routine. I absolutely loved spending time with my kids over the holidays and enjoying the last of the sunshine, but I’m also very relieved that things can go back to being ‘normal’ again (and that I can enjoy a cup of coffee in silence for the first time in 3 weeks!)


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