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So hubby lost his job & has applied for so many more but still hasn’t heard back from any. I have a full time job to go back to even though they said they couldn’t take me back until the twelve months is up. I am not sure that I am really ready to go back from maternity leave. I sometimes wish I was back at work but I am really not looking forward to it.

Posted by lozzamill, 20th June 2014

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  • nice to read stories on this great site


  • it a a great and exellent story


  • I hope since you posted this that something has turned up for hubby.


  • Oh fingers crossed for you both. I hope since you have written this things have looked up and you have some more positive news to share……


  • If your hubby doesn’t get a job by the time you go back to work, you both may have to make the adjustment to you being the ” bread-winner” and him being the “house-husband”. You may both find that you really enjoy it, and I guess you won’t know until you try it.


  • I hope everything works out for you.


  • My husband was recently given notice that he is losing his job too 🙁 It’s a tough time & my heart goes out to you.


  • hope your hubby gets a job soon, and it is very hard going back to work after bubs, maybe go back part time for a little while if you can, good luck


  • I know, it’s so hard – you kinda want the adult interactions but it’s so hard to picture leaving baby. It does usually get easier after the first few weeks.


  • Tough set of circumstances. I understand how you feel. I was in a position where I had to go back to work as well. Best of luck x


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