8 Comment
It’s true….as you get older, losing weight gets really hard. I’m now in my 30s, have a small baby and am now thinking about my own mortality as I watch my parents age and my friends get their first grey hairs. I have always struggled with my weight – not ridiculously overweight, but just uncomfortable. I am now looking into getting a gastric sleeve as a way to help me on a healthier path. I know it won’t be a fix to my problems, but it will definitely help shift some of this excess weight. It will still be in me to eat healthier and exercise more. I know this sounds like a cheating way out of it, but I just don’t want to get to my 50s and not have my mobility or health.
Posted by Statho2000, 1st August 2014
mom66977 said
- 26 Jun 2015
mom56842 said
- 01 May 2015
mom93821 said
- 31 Jan 2015
mom93821 said
- 12 Jan 2015
mom94125 said
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mom57522 said
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hopefullyheidi said
- 01 Aug 2014
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