It is almost time for the back to school excitement to be our focus. I am rather disturbed at how many small children have their own mobile phones and I pads and lap tops and while these are wonderful tools, many are members of social media pages such as facebook etc. Even with the news coverage of cyber bullying, still many parents are blaze about their children’s access to these sites. A friend of mine had been loaned a computer for her eldest child a highschool student, to use and when it was returned, it was discovered the young est member of the family and only male in the home had been downloading pornagrophy, with the help of a slightly older friend. The mother was horrified, yet allowed her child unsupervised access to the computer. In this instance, no harm was done, the boys were curious but it could have been more serious. Please, parents, be present when your children are using these devices. Keep your children safe from the potential of on line harm. Be involved in their research and know for what purpose they are using the equipment. Limit the time they spend as well.while “everyone else’s ” kids are allowed to, that does not mean yours need to. Be unpopular, keep them safe.
Posted by Tene, 14th January 2015
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