
We invited a friends daughter to stay with us for the school holidays
This young girl had been raised in the Philippines .
She was 13 when she came to Australia to live with her father who is a close friend.
She was having a hard time from her step mother and we were lead to believe the step mother who we also know was being tough on
Her .
The reason she came to Australia her mother was to sick to look after her .
Her mother passed away
She went back for her funeral
Then returned . We thought it would be nice if her father stopped her with us in Dubbo NSW
We could show her a very small part of Australia and rural life .
She was invited .
So she is 15 as she had just had another birthday.
So her dad drops her off .
Her younger brother , tried to steal a book from
Our home .
And my 43 year old daughter found it and put it right but he had to tell his dad .
All his dad did was so I’m disappointed. You know better than that .
And he was allowed to play with his technology.
As our friend was leaving the next day
He past a comment .
Just so you are aware she steaks also.
I did not think much but did tell my daughter about the comment .
Now she was staying two weeks
Wow first off the Dubbo zoo 165 for tickets another 100 for food.
Both my grand daughter 13 and her new friend want a souvenir.
No drama
But she had been left by her dad with no spending money . So I set that right
She was given monies by me.
A day at home
Have facials by each other playing in the spa
Monday movies
Popcorn ice creams drinks
Lunch bought for them
Tuesday a day at home
Wenesday the visiting the old Dubbo gioal.
Thursday a spot of shopping as I had groceries shopping to do. So my daughter took them to big W
As the make up my grand daughter uses was half price
Miss 15 had been spoken to . We stay together when shopping .
My daughter notice her bag look stuffed
She wait till they got too check out and said okay ladies open your bags for inspection.
We always open our bag
My daughter was informed by Miss 15 she did not need to open her bag as it was under size.
My daughter said you are with me , you will open your bag
With that Miss 15 took off saying I do want them shorts after all. Miss 13 took off after her telling her to come back. Miss 15 went into the fitting room
Miss 13 seen her empty her bag and come back too my daughter.
They got out side
Miss 13 says do t you ever speak to me again. Her mother asked
Get daughter miss 13 what had happened. She was going to steal.
That’s why she did not open her bag. She emptied her bag in the fitting room.
You were going to get all of us in trouble .
My daughter Carrie’s a lot of weight . She is a bigger lady.
My daughter questioned miss15 , is this true.
She said I don’t have to answer to you.
You are not my mother , my mother is dead .
So no fat arss is going to tell me what I can and cannot do.
My daughter bought miss 13 lunch . Put both in a taxi .
That was the end of the shopping trip.
I come home my daughter is crying, miss1 15 is in miss 13 bedroom and refuses to come out .
Miss 13 who is on the spectrum is so upset .
She also has a few disabilities.
Which she was born with and needs on going medical treatment .
So her heart is a bit quick.
So we sat down to talk about what happen
Well I go into miss 13 bedroom .
I went what the F…
Yes I swore .
I was so cranky .
Our daughter is saying mum what did I do wrong .
I said nothing. We opened our home , and this is what has happened.
I jump online
Book her on Fridays train economy travel $70 dollars for her ticket as she has no student ID so adult fare.
I tell her to pack her stuff
I contact her father and he said he could come and get her the following Wednesday
I said No
She us on tomorrows train
So she sends her father a message
I will get off the train and runaway
Well he rings me in a panic. I said really . You belive she will do that.
I went into the bedroom . I said so now you are sending your father threats.
I said do it , get off the train. I said you will be dead in 24 hours if you’re lucky.
You are going over the blue mountains the temperature drops to below freezing . You will freeze to death.
That’s if someone does not grab you and rape you and kill you .
I told her father what I had done . Next thing is he says she has said sorry .
She is on tomorrows train
I packed her food and drinks
Her father said she has no money
I said she has a key card , you can transfer her monies .
My hubby put her on the 2 o’clock train out of Dubbo
We really tried to give her a good time .
We tried really hard to be nice to her .
She arrived with one suit case and left with two suit cases .
A heap of new art supplies sketch books 72 colouring pencils
Drawing pencils
2 new hoodies and a pair of tracksuit pants
She had the hide to wear home the new cloths we bought her.
I wanted to take the new stuff and cut it up
But I did not .
I have let him know haha is not welcome .
He said she even sticks stuff down her bra .
I said you said she steals
I thought you were meaning a candy bar
You did not go into the fact you have a problem with both of your children stealing .
People say all kids do it .
Not true miss18 and miss13 here have never ever stolen anything
I’m just super upset
And yes I gave her father the bill for the train ticket
The 70 dollars I got back a week later .
Please what did we do wrong

Posted by liz007, 20th July 2024

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