
28 Comment

Just wondering if anyone has used any budget company to help them save.

We arent exactly struggling with money, we dont have any credit cards or much debt but we just cannot seem to save and now the federal budget is coming in we are worried that is going to become alot harder!
We are renting and our dream like most others, is to own our own home and be secure and stable for the kids.
fingers are always crossed for lotto but so far no luck haha
Have you tried a budget company or something to help you?

Posted anonymously, 19th May 2014

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  • I’m a little wary of these type of companies, I would personally go to a financial adviser first.


  • I have heard of these budget companies. I have always done my own budget and have done for many moon. I do one budget for they whole year as it gives you an idea when your bills are joined. It just takes sot of will power and commitment You will have times that is hard hard to keep you going but stick with it. I have budgeted as far as we have payed every cent we get some times but other pay’s that we can just decide to buy stuff with the spare cash got 2 theme parks or buy things we need to fix or replace. I also think the bugets charge as I van not see them doing it for free


  • No I haven’t used a budget company but others I know have with good results. The company really does help get those nasty creditors off your back & allow you to breathe. It’s not easy either as you need to be committed to following their plan.I’m not sure if you really do need a budget company as it doesn’t seem like you are in too much debt. Try your bank & see what savings plans they have. I recently did this & have committed to a savings plan with a decent interest rate.


  • Ive never been to a budget company but i find putting an amount away each week really helps us like we save $100 a fortnight which goes into a separate account it has a 5% interest rate which is great if you access it at all within the month you lose 4% interest so its can’t of stops you from using the money. your be surprised how quickly it adds up.

    So my advice to you is just work out how much a week,fortnight or month you can save and put it into a separate account.
    Good luck

    • I think that is a great suggestion. Budget companies are likely to take a fee. Maybe having an amount direct debited into the savings account on a weekly or fortnightly basis would be a good idea, as then you don’t miss it and are less inclined to forget to transfer the money or use it for other things


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