6 Comment
Aa a mum of 4 aged between 19 & 5, I am not one to be easily suprised or shocked I usually take most in my stride and soldier on, I was completely lost for words last week when my 10 year old came home with a story thatt literally broke my heart, Mum he says everyone was picking on Josh D at school today he got angry and yelled, I wish I was dead like my Mum, be better than being here he says as the rest of the class laughed, I felt sorry for him mum my boy continues, I was gob smacked to hear that the teachers response wastp chastise this boy and tell him to sit down and be quiet without saying a word to his tomentors. like this boy is screaming for help however when approached about the subject of bullying theprincipley all but laughs scoffing dont be ridiculous we do not have a bullying problem, well seems to me they do. As parents we must listen to our chilren
Posted by Amy Browne, 30th October 2013
miss_sammy said
- 01 Jun 2015
mom113055 said
- 11 Apr 2015
mom57522 said
- 08 Jan 2015
chont said
- 31 Oct 2013
kataraina said
- 30 Oct 2013
sanjipanj said
- 30 Oct 2013
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