

In the words of Vivienne Westwood, ” buy less, choose well”. I’m guilty of it and I’m sure most of you are too of buying all that stuff just because it’s cheap or on special. I own some many plastic gadgets that I very rarely use, and my life certainly isn’t any easier or brighter just because I own them. I’ve brought clothes I haven’t even really liked or needed just because they were cheap. From now on, I’m going to make a conscious to buy only what I truly need and to buy the best I can afford.

Posted anonymously, 11th June 2015

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  • better buying


  • i just love lookig and reading these great things


  • I am guilt of doing this too…….but then it is a habit I picked from my mum! She buy things (still) because they were on sale, and then she will give it to her friends and family. I have to learn to only buy what I need.


  • Wise words. I fall into the trap of buying things because it’s cheap too!


  • i agree. we focus too much on materials to make us happy and we could save a lot of money,

    • We buy stuff looking to make ourselves happy, doesn’t work!


  • Way before I became a mum I bought because things were cheap more than a need. Then I changed my ways


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