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We were organised this year for once mainly due to the fact that we did home made hampers & with relatives living in Qld who we have already visited in October they were done, well so we thought, we didn’t have quite enough left over as I forgot a couple of Melbourne people who we are seeing tomorrow of course. So here we go again, well not so much me I guess but my man as that’s his domain & he enjoys doing it so here he was making more lemon butter, relish & jam. Even though it put a spanner in the works this would be good practice for him as you will find out soon. I thought ok what can I do, there must be something like the floor needing a mop but no point until cooking over as my man kind of makes a bit of a mess. I did have a bit of baking planned & other things I needed to do, not much as like I said we thought we were organised but how can I start my little bit of baking, our kitchen isn’t that big & my man is. I was busting at the chops so did a bit of laundry & just pottered. Finally it was my turn in kitchen so in I went like a flash, pantry open, items out, gave the bench a wipe down & I was ready to bake. I’m searching in my baking tub & couldn’t find the red or green food dye. I looked in the pantry knowing we have some as I asked Jaseywase to grab me some yesterday when he went to the shops. I looked in tub again, searched through the shopping bags, even checked in the car, I gave up. Jaseywase was doing his daily crossword when I mentioned I couldn’t find the food dye. He said he bought it & led me to the pantry to where the jelly is kept where I noticed another 2 packs beside the 5 we already have, bless his heart. Now there were only 3 items on this list yesterday which I gave him, ordinarily I guess I’d say something like “Jaseywase, 3 items, like only 3, what’s hard about that”, instead I ruffled his hair, gave him a kiss & said well done honey you remembered 2 out of 3, that’s great work. I can imagine some of you mums might be thinking WEIRD, I probably might think that way but this was my mans first shopping trip on his own since he can home from hospital a couple of weeks ago after suffering a bout of strokes (I posted a story a while back called My man had a stroke). I then thought ok no problem, I’ll just change the whole recipe, yeah right lol, who does that especially the day before christmas. I was pacing kitchen, racking my brain trying to put a twist on what it was I wanted to bake, no such luck so I thought ok I’m just going to have to bake something els whilst at the same time thinking this is bad. What was going to be an assortment of green, red & vanilla cupcakes with green, red & vanilla icing became a green, red & yellow jelly slice seeing as I had enough jelly lo & I will have enough time for it to set if I set my alarm for 4a this morning lol. In between all of this whilst pottering I did make little Christmas santas, pic on right, please don’t laugh or if so, laugh kindly lol. Wishing all you mums a very merry Christmas, enjoy every moment with your loved ones. XO
Posted by sanjipanj, 24th December 2013
mom57522 said
- 09 Jan 2015
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