
11 Comment

My very excited granddaughter greeted me when I picked her up from school with “Grandma can we go & buy disposable gloves as I have a very important job to do at school tomorrow, I’m going to make my school SPOTLESS!”. Her dear little face looking up at me as though she had a huge responsibility on her shoulders. I wish I could have been a fly on the wall & watched her clean up Australia! My future little Australian of the Year!

Posted by ashblonde, 28th February 2015

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  • that’s great, everyone should have that attitude


  • So cute, great to be so involved at an early age!


  • stories are great


  • Our school participates in clean up Australia Day and all the students get involved.


  • yeah well at my child’s school they don’t do this anymore but a teacher wanted to clean the school instead and my child volunteered. so proud


  • That’s fantastic. Clean up Australia Day used to be a big thing when I was growing up. What wonderful enthusiasm she has!

    • Hi HopefullyHeidi, all of my son’s signed up years ago when Clean up Australia first started for the reward of a McDonalds gift voucher at the end! It was a big job back then with so much illegal dumping around our bush area & they did make a difference.


  • It is good for children to be involved in this kind of activity at a young age. Children need to care for their environment and adults need to be excellent role models. Well done!

    • I agree! If the start caring from kindergarten level they will be more focused as adults.


  • It’s great that kids are taking responsibility for their environments.

    • It certainly is! Maybe these little people will put us to shame.


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