
16 Comment

hi does any body have any good natural readies i could try with my 2 yr old who suffers server constipation.
she is currently having to take daily laxatives recommended by her doctor but i would love to move away from that and on to something more natural if possible.
we have tried prune juice. puréed fruits and lots of fibre but they don’t seem to work 🙁

Posted by mums-info, 6th May 2014

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  • Water, water, water ! Does she drink lots of milk ? then maybe try to reduce it and/or dilute it with water as well. When you add more fibers in the diet you always have to add more water as well, otherwise fibers have the opposite effect. Also try a daily belly massage in clockwise direction around the navel.


  • Prune juice has always worded for my family. I hope you find something that works because constipation can be really nasty 🙁


  • thanks everyone for your advice we are still working on getting it under controll for her


  • My daughter was the same, we took her off the meds and increased her fluids, water if you can. Something else was trying to keep her active and getting some exercise, it sounds funny but if she was having too much time in quiet activities this would also affect her. Lots of assorted dried fruit and fresh fruit too.


  • Don’t laugh, but if you can get her to eat liquorice that will help her.


  • Have you tried giving her the inner health plus for kids powder? My tot gets it everyday and since starting it, his digestion seems to have improved heaps!

    • Would not have even thought to try that and I have some of that in my fridge too thanks for the suggestion 🙂


  • One of my kids was the same, she was the dairy queen. I cut her milk back to one glass of light milk a day. Then I put a container of prunes in the fridge and told her they were her special sweet treats. I gave her a water bottle and constantly told her to drink up. It took time but I think she had a lazy bowel and we just had to train it. She’s now 4 years old, she always has solid poo’s but never in the pain she was in. Good luck

    • my daughter is obsessed with dairy too that’s about the only thing i can get her to take with out it being a battle and she has a texture issuse hate certain textures in her mouth…
      but thank you for your feed back i will try the prunes in the fridge and see if thats works too 🙂

      • when ours transitioned from formula to milk she had real problems – it could be the milk if it is straight cows milk. you could look into alternatives there too.


  • brussel sprouts and apricots can often help


  • We had this same problem and oh boy it is not nice. I started using up&go for my son when he was roughly 2 1/2 because you know they are getting the fibre and still use it today and he is 8 I cannot recommend it enough as you can give them weetbix or other fibre cereals but you cannot guarantee that they will eat it all up. You can also use Psyllium Husk which is natural or just benefibre which is good but my son loves Up & go and knows if he does not have it he will block up. Give it a go they love it and it works, we were so thankful that someone told us about it.

    • Great idea she doesn’t eat cereal she is very fussy and stubburn so I might try up and go thank you 🙂

      • We have never looked back since the up & go and it does sound too easy to be true but I even tried it just to see as I could not believe the results we were getting and it actually fixed me at a time that I needed it too. Make sure you try it for at least 2 weeks before making your mind up and make sure that the whole lot of the prima size drink has been finished. Let me know how you go as I would love to hear.


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