
14 Comment

A few months ago, my neighbour got himself a dog. A gorgeous little Alsatian pup, wanted to be a guard dog eventually. From the day he arrived, he’s spent every minute on a chain in the backyard, a chain not a run. So he didn’t have much room to move. I have since watched the life slowly flow from him. He was such a bouncey, happy, energetic little fellow. He became a timid, withdrawn bag of bones. When my neighbour was out, I’ld go over and feed him, okay with him, cry for him. I spoke to my neighbour, tried to explain this isn’t how you treat a dog, he replied “He’ll be right, that’s what dogs are for.” Til I couldn’t stand it anymore. I took him!! To the nearest RSPCA, I said I found him. I left my details and asked to be called if his owner isn’t found as I’ld like to adopt him. I’m still waiting, with fingers crossed, daily praying, I get that call. Was I wrong?

Posted by mom81879, 20th September 2015

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  • Hope that doesn’t cause many problems if you do get the dog!!


  • No! You did the right thing. This made me teary! You spoke to him – he had a chance. I hope the dog has a long, happy life.

    • Having re-read this I agree calling the RSPCA would have been better, but I’m one to act first when I see an animal neglected, so understand your motivation.


  • Absolutely not! You have rescued and changed the outcome of dreadful treatment. Good on you. I hope he ends up in your loving arms x


  • Would your neighbour recognise the dog if he saw you out and about with it?


  • You committed theft. You should have called the RSPCA to ask them to investigate. Seriously, you committed a criminal act. I can’t condone that.


  • Maybe I didn’t handle the situation correctly. I just saw the poor pup being neglected, getting sadder and sadder, just giving up and I had to do something. Neighbour asked about pup and that’s it. Has said he’s looking at getting another. I’m hoping he won’t recognise the pup if I get to adopt it, he didn’t take much notice of it in his yard, I expect that will be less in my yard


  • the dogs best interest must come first, sounds as if the dog was not feed by anyone but you. Poor thing. But seriously How will you explain the dog to your neighbour when he sees it living next door? will you move? I really hope the dog does not end up back next door been chained up no fun at all. And its not like it would keep people out due to been chained up all day.


  • Maybe the neighbour just thinks that the dog escaped. And probably RSPCA would protect her privacy.
    If the dog was microchipped probably the owner has it back already.
    How long will RSPCA keep a dog before giving git it away for adoption? Somebody knows?


  • The rspca should have been called, so that the owner could be made responsible for his actions. If the dog is chipped, the owner will pay a fine and get the dog back anyway.
    If the owner reports the dog stolen, will your fingerprints be on the chain?


  • Somebody surely had to stand up for the dog. But wouldn’t the neighbour find out that you took him? He must have registered the dog with the City Council, maybe micro-chipped him? And wouldn’t he recognize the pup if you adopt him?
    I don’t know. I think I wold have called RSPCA to explain the situation before taking him. But actually it’s very difficult to think about what we would have done if we were in the same situation.
    Did the neighbour talk to you about the missing pup?

    • I agree – many questions would be asked about this situation.


  • An inspector should be called when this occurs as people may be charged with animal cruelty and also stopped from owning animals. Being a pet owner is an enormous responsibility. Hope the dog recovers and finds a new loving forever home.


  • I think the right thing was done. He couldn’t be left there, he would’ve died. Animals don’t have a voice, we need to speak and act for them. There’s too much animal cruelty


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