3 Comment
As a Mum of 3, I used to love Mothers Day. I have to admit , though, this year I just want to pretend that Mothers Day doesn’t exist. I lost my oldest child last June (she was also a mother, of a 5year old little boy) and this year, the day just reminds me of what our family has lost (to be true, I’m reminded of this every single day). My husband asked me last week what I would like for my gift this year and all I could think of was that the only thing I want is my precious girl to be in my arms again. I know I can’t have that, so anything else just seems unimportant and tacky to me. I know that things will feel better once we get through our first year, but to me, birthdays, Christmas and all the other celebrations of a year have lost their shine. I know I’m not the only Mum to have lost a child, so I’m asking, how have other Mums reinstated the joy of those days after such a traumatic loss?
Posted by totsmum, 7th May 2013
BellaB said
- 04 Jan 2016
mom113055 said
- 24 Apr 2015
rachaelchara said
- 19 May 2014
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