
11 Comment

i am from non English speaking background, and we just use little bit english at home. my daughter started preschool she is for. i just want to know that if someone had problems later on in school like kids can’t remember or they not perform well in school. dose it really matters that you nor speak English at home

Posted by mom86415, 29th April 2015

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  • i never spoke English at home and had absolutely no problems at school.


  • I don’t think it matters too mcuh. As long as your daughter can interpret though. That comes in handy in an emergency!


  • My mum speaks English as a second language but my English is fine. I interacted with children whose families spoke only English at home. I also had friends who had a parents who also spoke English as a second or even third language. Your child will interact with children, teachers and even children’s television shows that will help her English language skills. Try and improve your English with her, there are English language classes everywhere and many are free to attend. This will help you bond with your daughter and also help you get jobs if good English is required.


  • Friends of mine who didn’t speak English at home said it was no big problem for them in the long run.


  • Schools should have English as a second language supports available to students. Teachers support kids with English Language Skills. Kids are better at learning languages than adults.


  • It is great when people can speak two or more languages, and it is important to keep her heritage. However since you are living in and English speaking country it would be great if you also went to an adult school to learn. Check with your library or council of programs that may be available.


  • thanks dear for your replay,


  • English isn’t my first language. My daughter started going to preschool when she was three years old and she started using English every day. She learned very quick and now that she’s twelve, I can definitely say that English has become her first language. Her favourite subject at school too!


  • yah thats true, later on we have to help them in their homework so we need to learn as well


  • For the children is much easier to learn another language.English is the second language for me , my son started to talk better after attending daycare.Now he is in prep and he is talking English really well.Younger they are , quicker they learn.Even you don’t talk English at home ,they will learn it in school.But later they will have homework so you will have to keep up with them.


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