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2 years ago I was giving a presentation in front of my class in front of around 100 (which is a surprisingly good attendance) students, a few TAs and a Prof. The presentation was pretty boring (no surprises there). Suddenly out of nowhere a Gtalk window pops out saying ‘Motuuuuuuuuuuu’ (fatso). (It was a friend of mine who calls me that affectionately. I am not fat; I am just big) Everybody started laughing all of a sudden. I was pretty embarrassed. The prof silenced everybody and then asked me “Girlfriend ?”
I said “No sir. Just a friend.” Then he said “Talk to her.” with a big grin across his face.
That sonovabitch made me chat with her for like 5 minutes and all the while everybody in that lecture hall was laughing his/her (Yeah. We do have girls in IITs) ass off. He made me write all types of cheesy messages and my fellow classmates gave some really nice suggestions (Those bastards).
It was a week before people started calling me by my name otherwise everybody called me ‘Motu’.
I was really embarrassed that day but when I look back, It was one of the funniest things which happened to me during my stay at IITK. That Prof rocked man. Big time.
Posted by dannyinsane, 19th June 2013
mom81879 said
- 28 Sep 2015
mom113055 said
- 09 Apr 2015
mom93821 said
- 17 Mar 2015
mom57522 said
- 30 Aug 2014
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- 23 Mar 2014
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