

Last night I had a tired, upset toddler.

We Skyped with my husband’s parents, who are in South Africa. My toddler was so excited to see his “Ma and Pa” on the screen… He was showing them Woody (Woody never leaves my son’s hands!) and showing them how he can recite the alphabet…. We skyped for a long time and when it was time to say bye, the tears started.. My toddler wanted to play with Ma & Pa and couldn’t get why his Pa couldn’t chase him… I tried telling him that they were in South Africa, which prompted the reply “I want to go to South Africa”…

He was very tired, but it pulled at my heart strings how upset he got cos he couldn’t see his grandparents. They just recently visited for a month and my son had a blast with them (they’re ‘young’ grandparents… they chased him around our house and played with him for hours… It made me sad because there’s a lot of milestones and things they miss out on…They do visit every year, but I wish we were able to see them more often – especially now with our second baby, again, there will be so many milestones they miss out on.

Posted by chelseak, 10th July 2013

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  • Though there is distance we do have the technology to help us bridge this gap! In my time all we had were very expensive long distance calls! So i only got to see my grandparents every few years when my parents were able to save enough money to go overseas!


  • yes my mum lives far away from me. at least you can skype


  • It is so tough but thank god for Skype hey


  • very sad there not here but lucky for things like Skype so they can see each other


  • It’s sad that they’re not here but, how fantastic is modern technology!


  • How wonderful that they are interested to skyp. That really helps keeps them fesh in your childs mind.


  • My son only can spending time with his grand ma and grand dad only by phone because they are living overseas as well.


  • I can relate to this so much. My husbands family are all overseas, and we skype a lot, but I feel so sad that they miss out on so much, and my children miss out on learning so much from them. I’m so grateful to Skype, when I was a kid, we never had anything more than a telephone. :-)


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