

An old friend passed away from cancer last week leaving behind her husband and 3 young children. It’s just so heartbreaking to think of the loving family she has left behind, and how they are to keep going on without her.
It got me thinking about what would happen if I lost my husband, or if I passed away. How would we cope – financially, emotionally, logistically. There are so many things to think about, and whilst it’s very unlikely that we should have to worry about this, I guess my friend’s situation has made me think that we should all be prepared in some way.

Posted anonymously, 23rd June 2015

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  • heartache


  • What a sad situation. Is hard to talk about these situations but it’s always good to be prepared. All superannuation policies have life cover but not much. It’s a good idea to have life insurance.
    My sympathies to you and your friend’s family.


  • I am sorry for your loss, thinking of those poor children who would be devastated right now. As much as we don’t want to think about it, it does pay to think of these things ahead and prepare wills etc.


  • A heartbreaking loss for this young family, I pray they have a close family that will all pull together & help them out. Community awareness is also a great way to help young families get some extra help & funding too!


  • yes it is really unfair hey. I feel sorry for those children. I can’t imagine what they must be going through. You must be so sad. I hope that the community will rally around this family and give them support. There was a similar situation in my town just recently and now the grandparents are looking after their grandchildren. I don’t know this family but everyone is donating items and money to help them out. Apparently they were aiming for $9000 and will overshoot this mark. Maybe something like this will help to ease the burden on this family while they are grieving. My deepest condolences to you.


  • I’m so sorry for the loss of your friend. My thoughts are with you all.
    It’s not nice to have to think about if it were us hugs xx


  • I am so sorry for your loss and for you friends family left behind.
    It is hard to think of ourselves in this situation. I will say a prayer for them.


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