

Hi mums,
Just wanted to share my journey with you. I had a very difficult labour and third degree tear. Hubby was fantastic and did 90%of everything. Taking care of the little one , chores etc. it took me a good 6 months before I felt 90% better. When I felt better I started to do a lot more around the house so hubby could have a break. Now I have been doing it all so when hubby gets home from work he can spend time with our son and relax. Hubby really appreciates this and understands how hard, time consuming and everything else it is to look after a little one. I am very lucky to have him.

Posted anonymously, 13th November 2014

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  • You certainly are very lucky to have him. He sounds like a gem! And so do you. You both seem to appreciate each other, which is wonderful to see


  • Oh he sounds very sweet .. thanks for sharing


  • it s a great top story


  • It’s great you have such a loving and supportive husband. Thank you for sharing your story :)


  • A supportive husband can make all the difference when you’re ill.


  • So pleased you are now feeling better. It is so very nice to read a story where a wife and mum appreciates her husband. It was wonderful that your husband helped out so much and maybe you could print out your story and present it to him as an extra thank you.
    Anyhow, wishing you, hubby and your little one, health and happiness. :-)


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