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My 2 1/2 year old loves fireman sam at the moment well that’s an understatement he is obsessed whenever he hears a bell ring or beeping he runs around yelling call san call fireman sam but the funniest thing was when we were driving in the car I had child lock on and he tries to.open the door he yells out fireman sam help me I’m stuck someone please call fireman sam. He sits and watches the shows on dad over and over he says it word for word. So I went out and got him downs cover backpack and umbrella. 🙂

Posted by rileysmum, 16th August 2013

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  • I also have a Fireman Sam…..and a Mister Maker. at 2 1/2 y.o. She sings the Fireman Sam music whenever it comes on, and of all things jigs to it. If I speak to her while it is on, she puts on finger on her lips and shakes her head.. no


  • All my kids are obsessed with fireman Sam and we have seen every episode even the Olden day ones (they found them on YouTube) and my boys want to be fireman. At first I thought it was a faze but my eldest is 6 now and has been fireman Sam fan and future fireman since the age of 18 months.


  • yes my kids love it but not as much as yours lol.


  • We love fireman Sam too


  • Fireman Sam is a winner all round!


  • Is it funny how kids can get obsessed with a show or character.


  • My husband is a CFA volunteer, so every time we are down at the station she runs to the trucks calling Sam Sam!


  • My 2 year old son is loving Fireman Sam at the moment too! He told my Mum “Nanna light fire – Fireman Sam come?”

    Check out the insulated lunchboxes at Bonzoo – they have a very cool fire engine!


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