
7 Comment

Hola everyone, just wanted to see how many others have been frost bitten this winter? Not literally (yet) I am just seriously cold down here in the Green Triangle and most days it’s a struggle just to get out of bed!! And then I have to fight with the lovely children to convince them they wont turn into blocks of ice if they get out of bed!!

Seriously not a fan of winter, very much looking forward to the first blooms of spring raising their heads so we can see the light at the end of the tunnel!! I think it is exacerbated by the fact my lovely employer has had malfunctioning heaters for the past 3 weeks, so the office is sitting below the outside temperature most days. And everyone is walking around in scarves and jackets looking anything but tropical!! GRRRR, BRRRR not a happy little winter camper!

Posted by makimoo, 17th June 2013

Post your story
  • My favourite place in winter is bed!


  • Wow, that sounds absolutely freezing.


  • Always sit near the heater. Feel better hihi….


  • and wear scarfs socks gloves .


  • i stay near the heater


  • eee… sounds annoying ! 🙁


  • I was just saying to my mum the other day this winter seems to be so COLD glad its not just me that thinks this, I also cannnot wait for the warmer weather, bring on summer i say 🙂


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