

I have enjoyed an afternoon of reading and enjoyed an article about giving an item away for each day of the year. I am pondering doing this and seeing what difference it does make to our home and to our mindset. It might be interesting to de-clutter and get by with less.

Posted anonymously, 30th January 2016

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  • I could so easily do this. We have so much stuff that’s never used, thanks to hubby who hates throwing things away. His reasoning is you never know when it might come in handy


  • it sounds like a really great idea for sure! i bet that would make a lot of people’s day


  • What a great thing to do now to convince the kids its a great idea to take part in


  • De-cluttering is so important. It makes your home (and your mind) healthier. It could be something to test!
    I’d surely be able to get rid of some things.


  • Wow, what a great idea. I think I need to try this


  • This is a fantastic idea. I am keen to instill better values in my family and in particular be more giving so this might be a great solution. Plus I imagine it’s a great way to help declutter.

    • I agree – de-cluttering clears the house and the mind. I am giving it a go and will make up a chart and tick off each day. Good luck to you!


  • Interesting idea – I hope it works for you.

    • Thank you! I am keen to do this – give away and declutter.


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