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Hi, i just wanted to share my story.
2 years ago, i fell pregnant with my first and i was so happy. I always wanted a boy and a girl, in that order. We found out i was pregant with a girl. At first, for 5 seconds or so, i was disappointed. Then i realised that a) there are way more cute clothes for girls, and b) like my hubby said that for our next child, our daughter could be a little mom. I was extremely excited as well because my hubby’s auntie was also pregnant and our kids were going to be around 5 weeks apart.
Time came and at my 39 week appointment i was told that bub was quite big and i needed to be induced through stretch and sweep. I was told that if i had not given birth by 4 days later to come back. I went into labour 2 days later. I spent the whole day in labour then the next morning i went to the hospital. I sent hubby to work since i was told no i wasn’t in labour. I had to call him back an hour later. I asked for an epidural 6 hours after he came back n 4 hours after epidural i was told i could start pushing. I did but nothing was happening. After 45 mins or so doc decided to do an episiotomy and use a vacuum to help my daughter out. He had to reach in as well because her arm got stuck in birth canal. This caused me to have a 3rd degree tear and my daughter to have shoulder distortia. Luckily it took 2 days and a few easy movements of her arms for it to be resolved. U fortunately because of my 3rd degree tear i had to be sewn back up which meant no putting bub on the boob. By 4 days old she refused the boob so i started expressing till my milk dried up 3 weeks later. I was devastated.
Because of my difficult birth, my husband suggested we only have 1 but i said to him, no! We are both only children and i want our daughter to have a sibling.
In march this year i found out i was pregnant again. I was so excited and i yearned for a boy. I found out i was going to have another girl but where i thought i would be disappointed or hubby would but we realised it was awesome. Our daughter would have a sister, hopefully a bff. Plus savings because we didn’t have to buy loads of new clothes, winning.
Just like my first pregnancy, i had no complications or anything during the pregnancy, but because i had a difficult birth with my first, i had to see a specialist. They wanted to know how i felt about a c section. I said if it can be helped, i would much rather have a natural birth. They were willing to let me try. Their only conditions was that a) i was induced at 39 weeks and b) only if at scan at 38 weeks bub was measuring 4kgs or less.
I was happy with both. At 38 weeks and 4 days i was told we’ll induce you at 38 weeks 6 days and you’ll stay in hospital overnight n hopefully i would be giving birth at 39 weeks.
Except the day i was supposed to go in hospital, i got a call to say can you please come tomorrow instead because we have ruptured membranes? I said of course. The next evening i get another call saying still full, come in tomorrow morning. I said ok. My dad started freaking out but told him, my mom n husband that i had a feeling bub would be born on the 23rd, the due date of her older sister.
23rd is the morning i went into hospital. I was given a tablet in my cervix to provoke labour at 11am. I started having contractions at 7pm and at 10.20 my waters broke. At 11.42 my second daughter was born.
Where with my first i needed pain relief, i had no time to get any pain relief with my second. She came way too fast. My first weighed 4.2kgs, my second weighed 3.8kgs. My first caused a 3rd degree tear, my second inly caused a 2nd degree tear. My first refused to breastfeed, my second took to it like fish to water.
My second is now 2 days shy of 3 weeks and we are still successfully breastfeeding. I am stoked that we had 2 girls.
Hubby and i are not sure if our family is complete yet so we said in 5 years we will decide if we want more kids.
Posted by regine_kong, 11th November 2015
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