Started in 2013 when I became pregnant with my first and it become very quickly apparent I had hypermesis gravidium. This also became the case for the next 2 pregnancies. With my first it was unbearable and i was constantly in and out of the hospital or doctors on IV drips to try to hydrate. I was also on a range of medications to try to make it easier. The major side effect of these was constipation… add onto that carrying a child and then the proceeding birth and I was left with hemorrhoids you could see if I wore tights. It wasn’t a great time. They eventually got a little less painful but I was left with afwul skin tags on top of them. I finally addressed it with my GP after the birth of my second as it became unbearable but was advised to wait until I was done having children.
A year later out came number 3 and straight away I asked to get rid of them. They became the bane of my existence but that was just the start.
I was seen by the surgeon who expressed it was a bad case but warned me the surgery would be quite painful…this cocky mum of 3 thought 3 childbirths had prepared her for this. I was wrong!
Surgery came and it was the worst experience of my life. I was told after it ended up not being routine as they years of damage had meant it was a lot more work than they expected. 4 months, infection after infection despite doing all the right things im finally almost there but I still have a way to go.
I feel like its something I was not warned about AT ALL during pregnancy and now take the opportunity to tell all of my pregnant friends to take care of their systems…its honestly not worth it. While mine couldnt have been avoided sometimes we can really aid ourselves in making a little better.
Posted anonymously, 5th May 2020
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