10 Comment
Hi mums,
Buying a home for our family was a daunting task, especially because it would be our first home. My husband had experience with loans and all that terms and conditions side of things which was great , because I was hopless. He had previously bought an apparat meant before we had met.
With that taken care of we sat down and made a list of what we were looking for in a home.
Our list looked like this:
Double garage
4 bedrooms
Evaporative cooling
Ducted heating
Minimal carpet
Land size approximately 700
Good size grassy backyard for the kids
Away from power lines
Close to freeway
Walking distance to transport
Close to schools
We then made this list into a grid with the above list of items listed down the page on the left
And the addresses of the homes we wanted to see listed across the top.
We took this list to every inspection and ticked the boxes as we went.
At the end of all the inspections we chose the house with the most boxes ticked.
We were glad that we used this approach as sometimes we got confused between which houses we saw and which house had what, or we’re swayed by our descision because a particular house was displayed nicer than another.
Posted anonymously, 6th November 2014
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mom94125 replied
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